2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Real People Are Being Heard, Finally

Chuck Zimmerman

The folks at Edelman, a global PR firm, and Intelliseek, a marketing intelligence firm, have produced a great document on blogging you should download and read. They claim that blogging isn’t a passing fad but any company that fails to grasp this fact may be. Pretty strong words about something that has received little attention in the agrimarketing world!

Agencies, Agribusiness, Public Relations

Welcome To Our Newest Client – Valent!

Chuck Zimmerman

We’d like to welcome our newest Talking News Release client. Valent just received section 18 exemption for Domark fungicide to treat Asian Soybean Rust in 28 states. So, working with Brandy Craig at Archer-Malmo, we produced a TNR that was distributed to reporters in our database in those states. You can see the release here: Domark Fungicide Release It appears …

Agencies, Agribusiness