2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Green Hired To Lead O&B’s DMG

Chuck Zimmerman

Mark GreenHe looks like a computer guy. Those eyes have stared at a computer screen for a long time I’m guessing. He’s Mark Green and Osborn & Barr Communications’ newest hire to lead their new Digital Marketing Group. That would the the group that handles “Web-based initiatives and customer relationship management.”


Osborn & Barr Redefines Role of Media Department

Chuck Zimmerman

Osborn-Barr CommunicationsI think this is the most exciting time in agricultural communications that I’ve ever seen! I’ve been involved in presentations and discussions today in the Des Moines area that I wish I could have recorded. The questions being asked and the options to reach farmers being discussed are revolutionary. Speaking of revolutionary how about this announcement from Osborn & Barr Communications?

Agencies, Media

O&B Adds 4 More

Chuck Zimmerman

Christine NielandBusiness continues to be very, very good at Osborn & Barr as we have 4 new staff members to introduce you to. First we have Christine Nieland who will be “associate director of contact relations. Christine manages specific elements of the United Soybean Board business and leads the Farm Credit Services of Missouri account, developing strategic communications programs and public relations initiatives, as well as lending leadership to database and e-based initiatives.”
