2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

GROWMARK Moves Forward with AgValidity

Carrie Muehling

GROWMARK is helping member customers to wade through the new technology available in agriculture with its AgValidity platform. “Ag Validity is really what we’re calling a platform to test and vet out a lot of this new technology,” said Chris Grogan, GROWMARK media relations manager. “So there are upstart companies, there are companies that have been around, and they are …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, GROWMARK, Technology

FMC on Timely Topic of Managing Prevent Plant Acres

Chuck Zimmerman

Prevent plant acres may be record high this year and farmers are having to decide now how to manage that land. FMC Agricultural Solutions Regional Technical Service Manager Brandon Schrage was at the 2019 Ag Media Summit Info Expo earlier this week talking about how the company is helping farmers managing prevent plant acres with weed control and soil protection. …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, cover crops, FMC, Video

IFAJ in the USA

Cindy Zimmerman

Some members of the International Federation of Agricultural Journalists (IFAJ) are continuing their U.S. journey today with tours in California, South Dakota and Minnesota, but most are on their way back to their home countries after the 2019 IFAJ Congress officially concluded Tuesday evening. The international gathering was held in conjunction with the annual Ag Media Summit this year in …

Ag Media Summit, Alltech, Audio, IFAJ

ZimmCast 621 – Ag Media Summit/IFAJ Congress Preview

Chuck Zimmerman

This week we have a preview of the upcoming 2019 Ag Media Summit and International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress in Minneapolis/Bloomington, Minnesota. This is the largest gathering of agriculture’s top writers, editors, photographers, publishers and communication specialists in the U.S. This year’s dates are July 26-31 for the Congress with AMS overlapping on July 27-31. The last time the …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, LPC, Media, ZimmCast

New Manager for Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to Kenna Rathai, Public Relations Director with Broadhead, for letting us know about the new manager for the Ag Media Summit. She’s Tina Bowling, president of Innovative Association Management Solutions (IAM Solutions) for almost 12 years. Tina’s experience in agriculture includes serving as executive director for both the American Forage and Grassland Council and the Western Seed Association. She …

Ag Media Summit, Media

Register for Ag Media Summit/IFAJ Congress

Cindy Zimmerman

Join us for the 21st annual Agricultural Media Summit in Minneapolis/Bloomington, Minnesota. This is the largest gathering of agricultural writers, editors, photographers, publishers and communication specialists in the U.S. This year’s event will take place in conjunction with the International Federation of Ag Journalists (IFAJ) Congress, with over 150 international ag communications colleagues expected to attend. The dates are July …

Ag Media Summit, IFAJ

John Deere to Showcase New Equipment at #FPS18

Cindy Zimmerman

The John Deere exhibit at the 2018 Farm Progress Show next week in Iowa will include a wide variety of new equipment and technology solutions from the product experts. These products include new forage harvesters, additions to the tillage equipment and utility tractor line ups, and 8R Tractor enhancements, as well as new guidance, displays, software updates and other equipment, …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Farm Progress Show, John Deere

3RIVE 3D Application Use Growing

Cindy Zimmerman

FMC has been working with the 3RIVE 3D application system since at least 2015 when it debuted at the National Farm Machinery Show and use of the at-plant crop protection delivery platform has just continued to grow with the development of Capture 3RIVE 3D. At the recent Ag Media Summit, FMC product development manager Brent Jacobson said they will soon …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, Audio, Crop Protection, FMC

Growers Look to Sorghum as Alternative Forage Crop

Carrie Muehling

More farmers are looking to sorghum as a solution for their forage crop needs because of volatile weather patterns and heat and moisture stress that has become more prevalent. New varieties provide many agronomic and nutritional benefits, according to Rusty Bevell, central sales manager for Alta Seeds. “It will actually grow at a lot higher heat, and we’ve got a …

Ag Media Summit, Audio, Forage

AMVAC Gearing Up for Farm Progress Show

Cindy Zimmerman

Like pretty much everyone in the corn and soybean belt, AMVAC Chemical is gearing up for Farm Progress Show next week in Boone, Iowa. Neil DeStefano, AMVAC director of portfolio management and marketing communications, is really excited about this year’s show and what they will have on display for farmers. “We’re really going to have two booths in one – …

Ag Media Summit, AgWired Precision, AMVAC, Audio, Crop Protection