ZimmCast 715 – Preview of the 2023 Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

After getting a break from the agriblogging highway the ZimmComm Team has used the time for some needed work on headquarters. Fortunately it has been indoors as the temperatures are high and a lot of rain has fallen until the last couple days. So now it’s time to look ahead to some events we will be attending. The first one …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC, Media, ZimmCast

2022 Ag Media Summit Begins

Chuck Zimmerman

It is day one of the main activities for the Ag Media Summit in Raleigh, NC this year. On the weekend there were Saturday tours and on Sunday the board meetings took place for the Ag Communicators Network and Livestock Publications Council. The picture is the LPC on a break in their work. Last evening the Famous Welcome Party featured …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC, Media

ZimmCast 695 – Preview of 2022 Ag Media Summit

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. This will be episode 695 of the ZimmCast. I’d love any feedback you want to give. Do you like the format? What would change? What topics or speakers would you like to hear? Message me and I really appreciate it. In just over a week the annual Ag Media Summit will take place in …

ACN, Ag Groups, Ag Media Summit, Agencies, Agribusiness, Audio, LPC, Media, ZimmCast

Ag Media Summit 2021 was a Winner

Chuck Zimmerman

The 2021 Ag Media Summit was definitely a winner for everyone who welcomed the opportunity to see and talk to people face to face, some for the first time in nearly two years. Besides the emotion of just seeing friends and catching up, the annual awards also presented some emotional moments, including a special presentation of the 2020 Livestock Publications …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, LPC

Professional Development Webinars for Ag Journalists

Chuck Zimmerman

This is not a new thing. However, for members of the AAEA, the Ag Communicators Network and LPC, the Livestock Publications Council, the frequency and diversity of topics has grown. I participated in yesterday’s Leading with Focus webinar that featured, Beth Z, Your Nerdy Best Friend (pictured). It was all about leading your team to be more efficient and effective …

ACN, LPC, Media

Get Ready for Ag Media Summit

Cindy Zimmerman

Yes, it was supposed to be held months ago. Yes, it’s virtual. And, yes, that is sad. But what’s great about Ag Media Summit is that a big part of it is professional development and there are plenty of excellent educational sessions on tap this year for the virtual event November 16-17. Writing, photography, and video workshops are scheduled over …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC, Photography

2020 AAEA Awards Program

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agricultural Communicators Network, AAEA, held their annual awards program virtually this year. The list of winners will be posted to the organization’s website after today. Here’s the list of winners. If you missed the program you can hear the reading of the awards now if you’d like. Just click here:

ACN, Audio, Media

Join the AMS Virtual Career Fair

Cindy Zimmerman

Agricultural marketing and media companies have the opportunity to connect with current ag communications students, grad students, and young professionals during the first Ag Media Summit Virtual Career Fair on September 18, hosted by AAEA The Agricultural Communicators Network and the Livestock Publications Council (LPC). Using this platform, companies can list available internships, jobs and other opportunities, and include a …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, LPC

ZimmCast 647 – AAEA Celebrating 100 Years

Chuck Zimmerman

Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast. In this week’s program I’m sharing a conversation with Gil Gullickson, Crops Technology Editor for Successful Farming magazine/Agriculture.com. We talk about the 100 year celebration of the AAEA, The Agricultural Communicators Network. We also talk about this year’s Ag Media Summit which has been moved to November. Let’s all hope that we’re closer to …

ACN, Ag Media Summit, Audio, Media, ZimmCast

AAEA May Podcast – Adapting to Change

Chuck Zimmerman

The May AAEA Agricultural Communicators Network Podcast is now available. The topic is “Adapting to Change” and moderated by Katie Navarra, AAEA Podcast Host. I was very happy to participate in this episode. Media businesses are having to adjust to a “new normal” amidst the coronavirus pandemic. In this episode, Progressive Farmer Editor-in-Chief, Gregg Hillyer, Chuck Zimmerman of ZimmComm New …

ACN, Audio, Media, Podcasts