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Bayer CropScience Brings Biotech into Agriculture

Jamie Johansen

The grand opening of Bayer CropScience’s Greenhouse 5 brought many biotech industry stakeholders together to discuss the future of agriculture and biotechnology. Chuck met up with Gwyn Riddick, VP, Agricultural Biotechnology, North Carolina Biotechnology Center, to discuss what they do to bring more biotech to the world of agriculture. “What we do is work to get more biotechnology in agriculture …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

Greenhouse 5 = New Products for Bayer CropScience

Jamie Johansen

Mathias Kremer is head of Global BioScience for Bayer CropScience LP and Chuck took the opportunity to chat with him at the grand opening of Greenhouse 5. They discussed Bayer’s upcoming plans for new product development that will help farmers across the world. “Our key message is that we want to be one of the most innovative and most professional …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

Sustainability in Bayer CropScience Expansion

Jamie Johansen

During the Bayer CropScience Greenhouse 5 grand opening, Chuck took a few minutes to sit down with James Blome, president and CEO for Bayer CropScience LP and head of Crop Protection for the North American region. Sustainability was the goal for Bayer CropScience as plans came into place in building Greenhouse 5. “Greenhouse 5 is our lastest expansion with 62,000 …

Agribusiness, Audio, Bayer

10 Reasons To Attend AgCareers Roundtable

Jamie Johansen

The 2012 North American Ag & Food HR Roundtable is coming up and early bird registration ends next week. The conference will be held in Springdale, Arkansas, August 7-9 on Tyson Food’s Campus. Great networking and educational opportunities are just two reasons why human resource professionals, business leaders, university/college career services staff and association representatives within the agribusiness industry …

AgCareers, Education, Food

Molding the Future of Agriculture

Jamie Johansen

Wrapping up our tour at Locust Trace AgriScience Farm, I had the opportunity to chat with one of five agriculture education instructors at Locust Trace, Mr. Todd Harp. He had the students eating out of the palm of his hand as he discussed artificial insemination and quizzed them on reproduction in dairy cattle. This hands-on approach to learning is just …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Education, FFA, Media

Meet the Students of Locust Trace AgriScience Farm

Jamie Johansen

Locust Trace AgriScience Farm is full of students on the road to a successful career in agriculture. I had the opportunity to sit down with a few of them as they told their story on why they have chosen to attend this state-of-the-art school focused on agriculture. Meet Camila Modica, Sr. at Locust Trace and served as the chapter FFA …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Education, FFA

Locust Trace AgriScience Farm

Jamie Johansen

Locust Trace AgriScience Farm is the newest career and technical high school in Lexington, Kentucky with energy and environmental being key factors in the facility design and agriculture being the educational focus. Locust Trace features spacious classrooms with adjoining labs, 6.5 acres for gardening, a state-of-the-art greenhouse with an aquaculture area for raising native fish, a soaring auditorium with a …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Aquaculture, Beef, Conservation, Dairy, Education, Energy, Environment, Farming, FFA, Horses, Livestock, Poultry, Technology, Veterinary

Alltech’s FoodPrint Discussion Dinner

Jamie Johansen

The Carbon FoodPrint was the topic of debate for one of the Discussion Dinners at the 2012 Alltech International Symposium. Moderator, Damien O’Reilly, Irish National Television and Radio Broadcaster, lead the dialogue on perception vs. reality. Delegates enjoyed a tasty chicken dinner while chatting about how much of the carbon footprint hype is branding and how much is changing operations. …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Audio

A UK Perspective on Improvement in the Food Chain

Jamie Johansen

The 2012 Alltech International Symposium was host to Keith Millar, Head of Animal Feed and Animal By-Products Unit at Food Standards Agency, UK. He shared his insights into control and improvement in the food/feed chain during the New Regulatory Landscape breakout session. Mr. Millar was private secretary for two separate leaders of the House of Commons. He was a United …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Food

The Farmer of the Future

Jamie Johansen

During the Marketing Forum at the 2012 Alltech International Symposium, Dr. Dwight Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer for the National FFA Organization, answered the question, “Who is the farmer of the future?” The FFA works with 500,000 potential youth farmers to help fill the need for young agriculturalists. The National FFA Organization is dedicated to making a positive difference in the …

Agribusiness, Alltech, Education, FFA