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AgGateway and ICAR Working Together

Cindy Zimmerman

Daniel Lefebvre, President, ICAR, and Brent Kemp, President and CEO, AgGateway

Representatives from AgGateway and the International Committee on Animal Recording (ICAR) recently signed a memorandum of understanding (MOU) designed to improve digital interoperability in animal agriculture applications. ICAR is a leader in livestock identification and associated data exchange.

AgGateway has been facilitating a member working group around traceability data needs for feed inputs to dairy herds and member Phil Kibosh with Vita Plus says the MOU will allow the working group to maximize member value and build upon work already done. “ICAR does a lot of standards in Europe from a production animal standpoint,” said Kibosh. “Obviously AgGateway does standards in the U.S. and it was a good idea for the two entities to join forces.”

Learn more in this interview.
Phil Kubesh Interview 2:12

2024 AgGateway Mid-Year Meeting Photo Album

AgGateway, AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, data, Livestock