RFA Ethanol Podcast

Alltech Researcher on Breeding Cattle for Sustainability

Cindy Zimmerman

With sustainability and carbon reduction the main focus of food production right now, there was discussion at the recent CattleCon about breeding cattle to be more sustainable.

Dr. Emily Stackhouse is a research manager in livestock and environment at Alltech and she shared a Cattlemen’s College panel around sending beef x dairy calves into beef production, how the carbon of these calves is allocated across the two industries and how they can actually help increase beef output while decreasing carbon emissions.

“Because when those calves from the dairy enter our beef system, they come in with lower embedded emissions than our purebred beef calves,” said Stackhouse.

Learn more in this interview from CattleCon.

Interview with Emily Stackhouse, Alltech 3:22

AgWired Animal, Alltech, Animal Agriculture, Animal Health, Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference, Dairy