2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Enogen in the MILK Business

Cindy Zimmerman

Now in its 19th year, the MILK Business Conference is a must-attend event for commercial dairy farmers seeking seeking insight to better manage their dairy and their bottom line and one of this year’s elite sponsors was Enogen Feed from Syngenta.

The Farm Journal event last week was an opportunity for Enogen Strategic Account Manager Todd Axtell to tell the Enogen Feed story. “It really is nothing more than about better starch digestion,” said Axtell. “Enogen with the alpha amylase inside that kernel of corn is going to help that animal digest that starch more efficiently (and) effectively and we’re going to get more out of every dollar that we’re spending for that starch.”

University studies have found Enogen corn provides about five percent more starch digestive efficiency and Axtell says that not only helps with a dairy producer’s bottom line, it helps the environment as well. “If I can get that much more energy out of a ton of feed, that is going to be less land use, less water use,” he said.

Learn more in this interview.
Interview with Todd Axtell, Syngenta (5:36)

Audio, Corn, Dairy, Farm Journal, Feed, Syngenta