RFA Ethanol Podcast

Start 2022 Weed Control with Acuron® GT

Cindy Zimmerman

Syngenta’s new corn herbicide Acuron® GT was registered earlier this year for post-emergence use in glyphosate-tolerant corn and keeping track of this year’s weeds will help get ready to control for next season.

Acuron GT combines the proven performance of Halex® GT corn herbicide with the active ingredient bicyclopyrone (BIR), which helps Acuron GT provide enhanced post-emergence control of yield-robbing weeds and longer-lasting residual in glyphosate-tolerant corn.

At the Farm Progress Show last month, Syngenta agronomy services manager Phil Krieg said the combination of four active ingredients and three sites of action in Acuron GT not only helps growers manage difficult weeds longer into the season, but also some others that have been popping up like fall panicum, cocklebur, and morning glory.

FPS21 Interview with Phil Krieg, Syngenta (3:12)

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Syngenta, weed management