2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AMVAC® Releases Two New Products for Weed Control in Corn

Cindy Zimmerman

American Vanguard® company AMVAC® has announced two new herbicide products for corn available for the 2021 growing season.

IMPACT CORE™: A postemergence corn herbicide that controls grass and broadleaf weeds with punishing takedown and lasting residual.

SINATE™: Controls herbicide-resistant and important driver weeds in LibertyLink® corn with outstanding crop safety.

IMPACT CORE field studies have shown extended residual weed control and control of emerged annual grass and broadleaf weeds, including several herbicide-resistant weeds.

“IMPACT CORE delivers postemergence control of the toughest weeds and grasses in corn with the active ingredient found in Impact®Herbicide, along with an industry-leading level of acetochlor for extended residual control,” said Marketing Manager for Corn, Soybean and Sugar Beets, Nathaniel Quinn. “IMPACT CORE provides growers the flexibility of use across a wide range of field conditions to achieve needed control in their corn.”

SINATE is the first herbicide of its kind to combine another effective mode of action with glufosinate for postemergence weed control in LibertyLink corn.

“SINATE provides a needed one-two punch of the active ingredient found in Impact Herbicide plus glufosinate on herbicide-resistant weeds like waterhemp, Palmer amaranth and giant ragweed in LibertyLink corn,” Quinn said. “The fast acting and wide spectrum of weed control with this product is undeniable.”

AMVAC introduced the new products during a virtual press conference last week. Listen to Nathaniel Quinn discuss here.
AMVAC's Nathaniel Quinn introduces new products (4:12)

AgWired Precision, AMVAC, Audio, Corn, Crop Protection, Herbicide