2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

AEM Presents Davidson Awards

Carrie Muehling

For the third year, the Association of Equipment Manufacturers (AEM) and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE) recognized three innovative products with the Davidson Prize, which celebrates breakthrough innovations in areas of agricultural, food and biological systems engineering.

“The products that have been featured over the past three years represent the diversity of ag engineering, as well as a variety of companies and organizations that continue to bring advanced technology and exciting improvements to the marketplace,” said Darrin Drollinger, ASABE Executive Director.

“We’re excited about the advancement of ag engineering and the positive impacts it continues to have on farmers’ ability to work more efficiently,” said Curt Blades, senior vice president of Agriculture for AEM. “These three products deliver on solutions that truly represent the spirit of J.B. Davidson and the innovative legacy of agriculture.”

The winners are:
John Deere – Quik-Knect System
Smart Guided Systems – Intelligent Spray Control System
Agricultural Industry Electronics Foundation – Tractor Implement Management

Drollinger and Blades presented the awards at the Commodity Classic last week.
AEM Davidson Awards press conference 16:47

2020 Commodity Classic Photo Album

AEM, AgWired Precision, Audio, Commodity Classic