2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmCast 629 – Farming Hemp in Florida

Chuck Zimmerman

This week I attended the inaugural Florida Industrial Hemp Conference & Expo in Orlando. Hemp has become a hot topic in agriculture today since so many states have created legislation allowing it to be grown and more are in the process. That includes my home state of Florida.

I asked all the people I spoke with or interviewed during the Conference how USDA’s announced interim final rule on the Domestic Hemp Production Program would affect the budding industry and their company or organization. It appears that Florida and USDA are taking big steps to help create some certainty for farmers to grow a product that can be made into thousands and thousands of products.

Included in the program are: Florida Department of Agricultural and Consumer Services, Director of Cannabis, Holly Bell; Florida Agricultural Experiment Station, University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences, Jerry Frankhauser; Geoff Whaling, Chairman of the National Hemp Association; and Coordinator of the Florida Industrial Hemp Conference, Gene Jones. You can find more interviews in our virtual ag newsroom on AgNewsWire here.

I hope you enjoy this episode of the ZimmCast and thank you for listening.

BTW. Feel free to contact me if you have ideas or suggestions for a future program. I’m always open to what would be of interest.

Listen to the ZimmCast here: ZimmCast 629 - Hemp Farming in Florida
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Ag Groups, Audio, Farming, hemp, ZimmCast