RFA Ethanol Podcast

GrainCoat App Streamlines Grain Marketing

Carrie Muehling

Like many farmers, Sean Arians also has a job that sometimes takes him away from his agriculture operation. Arians needed an easier way to manage grain marketing activities, so he developed the GrainCoat application.

“Cloud spreadsheets and shared spreadsheets are sometimes tough to keep up to date and I really wanted an application that I could take with me on my phone, my iPad, or work with it from the desktop,” said Arians.

Arians said GrainCoat can project multiple years of crops based on data entry by the farmer. When a market move happens, the farmer has immediate access to how many bushels are available of each respective commodity, and can even make sales or offers to an elevator through the app. When that offer fills, the farmer will receive a text message with that notification, eliminating a step for the grain elevator, as well.

A delivery notification feature will be the next thing to launch, streamlining the delivery process and eliminating the need to track physical contracts to manage how many bushels to deliver to each elevator. Arians said the GrainCoat application is available at graincoat.com or for download on an iPad or iPhone. A free version is available with reduced features, or farmers can choose GrainCoat Advantage for $199/year.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Sean here: Interview with Sean Arians, GrainCoat

AgWired Precision, Apps, Audio, Marketing, Precision Agriculture