RFA Ethanol Podcast

FMC Authority® Supreme Tackles Resistant Weeds

Cindy Zimmerman

Resistant weeds is a wide spread concern around the country and new FMC Authority® Supreme is helping farmers from the Midwest to the Mid-South take on the challenge.

“Authority Supreme was a new product for 2018, we had a limited launch, limited quantities,” said FMC technical service manager Matthew Wiggins at the Mid-South Farm and Gin Show last week in Memphis. “Primarily we’re talking about herbicide-resistant Palmer amaranth.”

Learn more about Authority Supreme in this interview. Interview with Matthew Wiggins, FMC Authority Supreme

Also last week at the Commodity Classic, FMC’s Dr. Brandon Schrage was talking to farmers in the Midwest about staying in front of dicamba resistance with Authority Supreme. Watch below.

AgWired Precision, Audio, Commodity Classic, Farm & Gin Show, FMC, Herbicide, Video, weed management