2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Develop with Deere Conference Still Growing

Carrie Muehling

Organizers of the Develop with Deere Conference in Chicago had a goal of pulling the entire “agriculture digital ecosystem” – everyone that helps growers feed and fuel the world – together, according the Pete Kasap, who manages the ISG Business Segment Strategy for John Deere.

“We have to adopt this technology. It’s going to help everybody,” said Kasap. “And it’s just figuring out how to get all of the pieces together, and an event like this really helps.”

Kasap welcomed attendees at the opening general session of the conference, which added retailers and input providers along with customer software houses this year. Kasap said dealers recognize they need more help in this area, and the conference is a great way to make connections. This year’s event saw nearly 80 connected software companies and representatives attend, along with more than 150 John Deere dealers.

Listen to Chuck’s interview with Pete here: Interview with Pete Kasap, John Deere

2019 Develop with Deere Conference Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, John Deere