2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmCast 606 – Audio & Analytics

Chuck Zimmerman

The end of 2018 made for a busy time with family but also a time to reflect on the year with our AgNewsWire service and AgWired. I get asked all the time about how many people we reach, how many people listen, who are they and more. It’s just not a simple question to answer. But I took a stab at some of the numbers to share with you in this week’s program. I didn’t get into them all. For example, I didn’t go into the videos we publish via Facebook or YouTube and I didn’t go into the photos we publish on Flickr. There are some big number there and those are actually pretty easy to see when you just watch or look at our photo albums.

I’m open to ideas any of you may have on how to best create this kind of statistical information, especially in some kind of reporting mechanism. Right now I’m back to looking everything up separately and aggregating it into a document. Services I have used no longer exist or have made radical changes to their product and pricing. A lot of the web privacy scandals have really created havoc in terms of collecting data.

But besides boring old number I also am including some audio from a couple of recent events where we created virtual ag newsrooms which you can find on AgNewsWire. First up will be Dr. Fred Moore, BASF, Cotton Trait Development Manager. He talks about current and new trait positions during the BASF APT Summit. Then I have an interview with NCGA Chairman, Kevin Skunes, about the Soil Health Partnership and the Summit we attended in St. Louis, MO.

I hope you enjoy this week’s program and thank you for listening.

Listen to the ZimmCast here: ZimmCast 606 - ZimmComm Analytics & Audio

Audio, BASF, Corn, NCGA, Soil, Soil Health Partnership, ZimmCast