2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Deere Showcases New Forage Harvesters at #WDE18

Cindy Zimmerman

John Deere showcased its new 9000 Series Self-Propelled Forage Harvesters (SPFH) at the 2018 World Dairy Expo last week in Madison, Wisconsin.

The high-capacity forage harvesters announced in August provide up to 400 tons of throughput per hour, along with optimum corn silage processing that’s independent of the length of cut.

“We get ten percent more productivity per horsepower while consuming ten percent less fuel per ton of crop, as well as increasing kernel processing scores by ten percent,” said Deanna Kovar, John Deere Director of Production & Precision Ag Marketing. “Lots of new and exciting things to help make better feed for the cows.”

Learn more about the new harvesters in this interview with Deanna –
Interview with Deanna Kovar, John Deere

John Deere at 2018 World Dairy Expo Photo Album

AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Audio, Dairy, Equipment, Feed, Forage, Harvest, John Deere, Livestock, World Dairy Expo