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Looking Ahead to IFAJ Congress/Ag Media Summit 2019

Chuck Zimmerman

The International Federation of Agricultural Journalists Congress 2018 may have concluded for this group of members from the United States but now we can look ahead to 2019. Guess where it’s going to be? The USA! The IFAJ Congress will overlap with Ag Media Summit in Minneapolis/Bloomington, MN at the end of July. The theme is “Global Connections in America’s Heartland.”

Lots of plans are being made now. A starting website is already live at All participants for both organizations will be in the same hotel too. Here’s some information (pdf) that was presented at the conclusion of this year’s Congress.

  • An excellent program that will feature experts on news topics like trade, sustainability, crop and livestock issues, University research, water quality and more.
  • A wide variety of tours to showcase livestock, crops, bees, fruits, vegetables, precision tech, energy, seed research, transportation.
  • Gain professional development during Ag Media Summit sessions on writing, photography, social media, videography, ethics and more.
  • Attend fun-filled networking events like a lake cruise, craft brewery tour, Famous AMS Welcome Party, IFAJ band night, Twin Cities tour, Agritourism event, and experience fabulous Midwest hospitality.
  • Unique opportunity to network with 600+ AAEA (U.S. Guild) ag communications members and attend our InfoExpo trade show.
  • Reside with everyone in the same hotel for duration of July 26-30, 2019 Congress.
  • Pre-Tour: one small family-farm based pre-tour (10-15 people) in Northeast Iowa led by long-time IFAJ member Harlen Persinger.
  • Post-Tours: 1) Visit California to experience the state’s crop and livestock diversity; 2) Visit neighboring state Wisconsin for an amazing dairy adventure; and 3) Experience Minnesota/Iowa/South Dakota large precision grain and livestock farms, university and private research, energy and more. All tours begin July 31st, and will be loaded with fun stops as well.
  • Watch for details on and on Facebook: AMS IFAJ 2019

ACN, IFAJ, International, LPC, Media