“Alexa, where in the world is the Golden ZimmComm Microphone?” No, that’s not an Alexa skill yet. But we’re looking into skills for the hottest product of the latest holiday season – the Echo Dot (and the rest of the Echo family).
We’re affectionately calling this one you see, the ZimmDot. There are actually quite a few ZimmDots being activated as we speak. I think we’re up to four just in ZimmComm World Headquarters!
Voice activated, internet connected, technology is just the latest way we’re going to be seeing more and more applications in the agricultural sector. It’s not brand new but growing as these devices develop more capabilities. And like with smart phones, agribusiness will be making innovative use of a “consumer” technology to farm smarter. Of course, that’s just my opinion. But in 2018 I think we’re going to see more and more of this technology.
In fact, there are already agricultural skills on Alexa. Here are a couple:
Hoosier Ag Today
Successful Farming
CropInfo Choupal
Would your company like to partner up on an Alexa skill? I’m open to ideas at this point. Just let me know