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Meet Rice Farming TV

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 527How much do you know about rice farming? Do you know the difference between brown and white rice? Want to? Then follow Rice Farming TV and Matthew Sligar.

Rice Farming TVMatthew farms in northern California with his Dad and in the spare time he doesn’t have he produces Rice Farming TV, a weekly Vlog. You know what that is right? A blog in which the posts are videos. Hopefully, you’ll subscribe to him on YouTube. You can also find him on Twitter, Facebook and Instagram.

Matthew decided there was a need for this kind of online sharing about farming after talking with people who had no idea that rice was even grown in California. This is exactly what we need today and especially more people like Matthew. I visited with him by phone to hear his story which I’m sharing in this week’s ZimmCast. If you’re interested in contacting Matthew and possibly providing him with some support in his efforts please do so.

You can listen to the program here: ZimmCast with Matthew Sligar, Rice Farming TV

Want to watch an episode of Rice Farming TV? Here’s one I really like called, “The Wives of Rice Farmers.”

Subscribe to the ZimmCast podcast here.

The ZimmCast

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Audio, Farming, Rice, ZimmCast