2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

#DeleteToFeed Hungry People with Land O’Lakes

Chuck Zimmerman

Delete to FeedHere’s a creative idea to help feed hungry people. Land O’Lakes has created the Delete to Feed campaign. Their announcement says that there are 1 in 6 U.S. kids facing hunger and more than 42.2 million food insecure people across the country. That’s a large challenge right there.

So how does Delete to Feed work? To start with, during this Hunger Action Month, Land O’Lakes is teaming up with Feeding America and sending a challenge to foodies everywhere. The challenge is to get foodie people to log in to their Instagram account and find a food or meal picture they are willing to delete; go to DeleteToFeed.com and press the Get Started button; approve terms and Instagram connection; then delete the pic from the Instagram account. DeleteToFeed.com will then create a badge like mine from our AgWired Instagram account and you’re done. Land O’Lakes takes it from there. For every instafood pic deleted through DeletetoFeed.com, 11 meals will be donated to Feeding America, until Land O’Lakes reaches the goal of 2.75 million meals!

That’s huge I say. Huge.

When you’re all done, share your badge to get friends and family to join in. What do you say?

Cooperatives, Food, Social Media