2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

More About Maglis from @BASFAgProducts

Cindy Zimmerman

basf-maglis-scottThe big announcement at Commodity Classic last week from BASF Crop Protection was Maglis, an online agricultural platform designed to help farmers manage crops more effectively and efficiently.

BASF Vice President, US Crop Protection, Scott Kay says Maglis was developed through their work with farmers through Grow Smart. “It is all about the grower needs and their plans,” he said. “One of the key things about Grow Smart that growers really like it thinking about cropping decisions ahead of the timing and being able to make changes as they get into the season.”

Kay explains further in this interview: Interview with Scott Kay, BASF on Maglis

basf-maglis-purdueOn hand for the launch was Bruce Erickson, Purdue Agronomy Education and Outreach Director, who talked about how precision agriculture has become mainstream at this point and he has been fascinated with farmers’ technology adoption and trends. “It seems to be the technologies that have succeeded on farms are those that have been automated,” Erickson explained. “This next phase and this tool that BASF is introducing speaks to the data side of precision farming.”

Erickson explains how Maglis can help farmers use data more effectively in this interview: Interview with Bruce Erickson, Purdue

Watch the entire Maglis presentation launch below:

BASF Science Behind Living Acres Photo Album
2016 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Coverage of Commodity Classic sponsored by
Coverage of Commodity Classic sponsored by BASF Coverage of Commodity Classic sponsored by New Holland
Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic, data, Technology, Video