2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

ZimmCast from #NBB16

Cindy Zimmerman

ZimmCast 499The 13th National Biodiesel Conference and Expo was held last week in Tampa and it was the 11th year that ZimmComm has done the Biodiesel Conference Blog. Way back in 2006, the National Biodiesel Board (NBB) was one of the first industry organizations to see the value in new media like blogs and they continue to stay on the cutting edge to keep up with the latest trends.

nbb16-jessicaWe all know that social media is not everyone’s “thing,” but at this point it’s pretty safe to say it’s not going away. It has become more important for everyone, especially in the agriculture and bioenergy industries, to be engaged on some level in the social media world. NBB Director of Communications Jessica Robinson did a nice presentation at the conference about ways that people who might feel a little intimidated by social media to take baby steps – day by day, one at a time – to get involved. I interviewed her about that for this edition of the ZimmCast.

Listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: ZimmCast with NBB Communications Director Jessica Robinson

The ZimmCast

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Audio, Biodiesel, Social Media, ZimmCast