RFA Ethanol Podcast

Sustainable Ag Expo Educates Growers

Kelly Marshall

Sustainable Ag ExpoThe 11th Annual Sustainable Ag Expo will be held November 16-17, 2015, at the Madonna Inn Expo Center in San Luis Obispo, California. The expo, hosted by the Vineyard Team, promises educational information for growers of many crops.

“The Expo started as a way to explore various issues affecting different types of ag professionals,” said Kris Beal, Executive Director for The Vineyard Team. “It is a chance for farmers and researchers to come together, learn from each other, and engage in conversations with some of the brightest in the industry. Not only do we address production practices, we’re exploring initiatives from buyers like Campbell and Cisco that are influencing behavior.”

Begun 11 years ago, the Sustainable Ag Expo started when the Vineyard Team saw crop industries using various innovations and felt growers could benefit from learning from each other.  The Expo was developed to share information about energy and water conservation, holistic management, integrated pest management and soil conservation.

With 40 speakers, session highlights include focusing on water availability and quality; access to affordable labor; and new federal air quality standards that may have significant impacts on farming operations in the future presented by Dr. Jay Lund, Director for the Center for Watershed Science and Professor at UC Davis, Bryan Little, Director Employment Policy, California Farm Bureau Federation and Nancy Levin, Air Division, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Region 9. Additionally, Dr. Michelle Moyer, Washington State University, will present new research on powdery mildew monitoring, detection and management along with Dr. Renaud Travadon of UC Davis and Larry Bettiga, University of California Viticulture Farm Advisor.

Learn more about the event, view exhibitors and vendors or register for the event now.

Ag Groups, Education, Energy, Events, pesticides, Soil, Sustainability, Water