2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Schmacon Kickstarter Campaign

Chuck Zimmerman

SchmaconYou’ve possible heard of Schmacon. After all AgWired brought it to your attention a while ago. This is an award winning product that I’d like to find in my local grocery store. Apparently there is a big fan base that has been started from Schmacon tastings and via social media. Now, Howard Bender, chef and inventor, is ready to get into retail distribution and needs help. So, he has started a Kickstarter campaign. Here’s part of his story:

A friend and I went out to breakfast one morning and passed on the regular bacon and opted for turkey bacon. When it got to our table it was hard and dry and really didn’t give us what we craved – the sizzle, the smoke and the sensation of “real” bacon. “There must be a better way,” we thought.

Schmacon“Well,” I thought, “I’m a CIA-trained chef. Why can’t I solve the problem?” On that day, we began our three-plus-year quest, not just to create a bacon made of beef, because that already (awfully) existed, but to create great-tasting, whole-muscle, crispy, seasoned, smoky and satisfying strips of beef that could make folks happily pass over pork bacon. What we didn’t know at the time was that this new beef product would turn out to be amazingly delicious, healthier than ordinary bacon and a real game-changer.

Fast forward to now and a growing fan base that wants to find Schmacon in their grocery stores — like, yesterday. Through social media and sampling at a few beef events, bacon festivals, state fairs, and a couple of restaurants who got on board early, word has gotten out and our supporters want to know where they can get it and when they can start eating it.

Currently, we are selling to restaurants in a plain, brown 10-pound box. But when we move into groceries, our retail packaging must be more dynamic, informative and eye-catching packaging. Part of the funds will be used to create packaging that is consistent with the bacon department you see at grocery and club stores, yet stands out as different and as unique as Schmacon.

Make a pledge and help him out!

Beef, Beef Checkoff, Food