2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Interest in #Propane at #Classic15

Cindy Zimmerman

classic15-perc-cinchFarmers were showing quite a bit of interest in propane power at the 2015 Commodity Classic – everything from irrigation engines and grain dryers, to greenhouse heat and lawn mowers.

“There’s new propane equipment on the market that’s very efficient,” says Cinch Munson with the Propane Education and Research Council (PERC), who adds that the benefits are numerous.

“Propane engines cost less than a Tier 4 diesel upfront – 30-40 percent less,” said Munson. “Guys are saving 75 percent in some cases on operating those engines.” A new propane grain dryer can result in 50% efficiency savings.

In addition, Cinch says there are incentives that make switching to propane even more attractive.

Find out more at propane.com and in this interview with Cinch: Interview with Cinch Munson, PERC

2015 Commodity Classic Photo Album

Coverage of Commodity Classic sponsored by
Coverage of Commodity Classic sponsored by BASF Coverage of Commodity Classic sponsored by New Holland Coverage of Commodity Classic sponsored by Propane Education and Research Council
Audio, Commodity Classic, Energy, PERC, Propane