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Ayrstone Introduces AyrMesh Bridge

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 456How about an ethernet cable without the wires on your farm network? Yes, it’s possible. That is, with the Ayrstone Productivity AyrMesh Bridge!

Ayrmesh BridgeDuring the NAFB convention I spoke with company president Bill Moffitt about their newest product. The Bridge joins a growing family of products from Ayrstone like their AyrMesh Hub, Receiver and a Hub that mounts in your cab.

You AgNerds will want some specific information, so here it is:

The AyrMesh Bridge is a wireless 5 GHz. point-to-point bridge. It is transparent to the network, behaving just like an Ethernet cable, but without the wires. The Bridge consists of two radios, which are mounted facing each other, with clear line-of-sight between them. Just like an Ethernet cable, one radio is connected to your network, the other end is connected to a device you want connected to the network. They are connected to power supplies (provided) with Ethernet cables, and Ethernet ports on the power supplies serve as the ends of the virtual Ethernet cable. The radios can be up to 5 miles apart, although the throughput (data speed) of the link will be reduced as the distance between the radios increases. Throughput at a few hundred yards may be as high as 30 Mbps; at 5 miles it will be about 6 Mbps (with no interference and clear line-of-sight). NOTE: The AyrMesh Bridge does not use or provide WiFi – it uses a special narrow-band signal in the 5 GHz band which may interfere or be interfered with by 5 GHz WiFi signals (802.11a, dual-band n, or ac).

Have you got all that? If not, listen to this week’s program to hear Bill explain things: New AyrMesh Bridge

You can find a press release here.

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