2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

USDA Seeks Input on New Beef Checkoff

Cindy Zimmerman

USDA_logoThe USDA Agricultural Marketing Service is seeking input on the development of a new industry-funded promotion, research and information order for beef.

The new order would be in addition to the existing beef checkoff program, providing American beef producers with more resources for the marketing of their products and research to help strengthen the country’s beef industry. “Beef industry representatives agree that this important program needs more resources. USDA is stepping up at a critical juncture to help achieve the industry’s goal,” said Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack. “With this action we can boost research investments, increase beef exports, and encourage folks here at home to support American beef producers.”

Beef industry leaders agree that the current fee of $1 per-head-of-cattle per producer is too little. The $1 assessment has remained the same since 1985 when Congress first created the beef checkoff program, and the amount can only be changed through Congressional action. This assessment provides resources for marketing to promote beef sales, research, and many other benefits for producers. An additional supplemental program like the one USDA is proposing would enhance available resources, which would help the beef industry address important issues including improving and enhancing nutritional and consumer information through initiatives such as consumer advertising, education, research and new-product development.

Comments on how a new beef checkoff would be structure are being accepted until December 10, 2014. Find out more information on what USDA is seeking input on and how to submit comments here.

Beef, Beef Checkoff, USDA