2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Wearable Technology for Agriculture – Google Glass

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 443It’s time to get a ZimmGlass update. Actually, this is more of a wearable technology update that includes Google Glass. My guest this week is Bruce Rasa, TekWear, LLC. You might have met Bruce at our booth during the Agri-Marketing Conference or on a program somewhere demonstrating Google Glass.

Bruce RasaBruce has been using Glass longer than I have and in more places. He’s demonstrated it to people from 22 countries and has had his personal device in the hands of over 1,000 people! We both agree that we’re getting less of a visible reaction from people in the public but find that there is still a high level of interest from people who are fascinated by the technology. Concerns for privacy seem to be more general consuming public focused than with industries like agriculture that are looking at Glass as a potential new tool.

The areas of highest interest for agricultural applications for Glass are in field related activities like crop scouting, agronomist/consultants use, remote equipment maintenance, animal handling and identification. Many companies are considering building applications for Glass specifically or adapting existing applications to work on Glass. One of the biggest advantages Glass has is its hands free capability. This brings up options for increased safety for lots of tasks that might include checking grain bins where it would be essential to use your hands for climbing but also being able to have a device you can communicate with at the same time.

If you’re an agnerd like Bruce and myself or just plain interested in why anyone would want to wear a computer on their face then I think you’ll enjoy this week’s program.

Listen in to our conversation to learn more about what’s going on with wearable technology for agriculture: Wearable Technology for Agriculture

Thanks to our ZimmCast sponsor, GROWMARK, locally owned, globally strong, for their support.

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Agribusiness, Audio, Precision Agriculture, Technology, ZimmCast