2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Bloggers Bite Back at Chipotle

Cindy Zimmerman

We really have tried to ignore the ignorant Chipotle “TV series” aimed at making farmers and ranchers out to be bad guys, since they simply thrive on the displeasure they cause the traditional agriculture industry. But it is nice to see the on-line ag community biting back.

chip-farmedCorn Commentary bloggess Cathryn Wojcicki has done a couple of posts about how CommonGround volunteers have been answering the call to explain why they are farmed but not dangerous.

Iowa farmer Steph Essick disputed Chipotle’s claim that the series is intended to make people “more curious about their food and where it comes from.”

From the Banks of Squaw Creek, Katie Olthoff’s wrote about how much it hurts when a company like Chipotle tells lies about her family’s “baby” – their turkey farm – and posted a video.

Iowa State University student and farm girl Nicole Patterson made a list of six things Chipotle doesn’t want you to know about farming, and Maryland farmer and registered dietitian Jennie Schmidt posted myths and facts.

Keep biting back, folks and really hit them where it hurts – at the cash register. Chipotle has proven itself to be one of the most anti-American agriculture food chains in the country today – serving up plates of lies and deceit to the unsuspecting public. Don’t eat there and tell your friends to pass them up as well – and tell them the truth about agriculture.

Food, Wackos