2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Southeastern States Hire New Advertising Sales Rep.

Talia Goes

19The Livestock Advertising Network (LAN) has been named the new national advertising representative for state cattlemen’s associations across the Southeast. LAN will currently be representing the Alabama Cattleman, Carolina Cattle Connection, Georgia Cattlemen, Cow Country News (Kentucky), and Tennessee Cattle Business. These 6 states will represent a circulation of over 37,400 producers.

The Livestock Advertising Network will be coordinating all of the national advertising sales for these publications. LAN is owned by the Southeastern Livestock Network, a joint venture of 11 southeastern states who came together in 2002. The states have worked extensively over the years on legislative issues, cattle source and age verification and they are looking forward to working together on other projects like this.

This will create an advertising outlet to reach organizations representing approximately 160,000 beef cattle farmers raising almost seven million head of cattle across 6 of the southeastern states. Not to mention create an even tighter bond among these state organizations.

The Livestock Advertising Network will be managed by Carey Brown, who has over 10 years of experience with the Kentucky Cattlemen’s Association. Visit LAN online at livestockadvertisingnetwork.org.

Advertising, Agribusiness, Livestock