2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Go Social with FarmTime Nework

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast 382I learned about a new social network for agriculture during the 2013 AG CONNECT Expo. It’s the FarmTime Network.

FarmTime Network AG CONNECT ExpoFarmTime Network was started by Angie Bergmeier. She and her husband operate Shield Agricultural Equipment in Hutchinson, KS. Here is some information about FarmTime Network.

While less time seems available for face-to-face farm talk, the new website offers a chance to keep the heritage of the discussion at the convenience of the busy farmer. As the site describes itself, it’s “The All Farm, All the Time Social Network”.

FarmTime was started by Angie Bergmeier. Living near Haven, Kansas, a farming community, and through involvement in an ag-related business, Angie has gathered information from farmers over the last 10-years as the internet has become a more valuable tool. What she had noticed over time was that farmers have started to use the internet, email, Facebook and Twitter, but do not have access to a good “clearinghouse” for information and advice. Farmers, overall, are a small subset of consumers. So there has been no reason to focus on their real needs for information- gathering, sharing advice and really learning how to use the electronic communication tools to their advantage. Angie brought together focus groups of farmers and asked them questions about what they want in a “clearinghouse” web site, and www.farmtime.com has been developed to not only accommodate those needs, but to change and update to provide an improved platform as the technology changes.

Designed by farmers for farmers, www.farmtime.com features discussion forums to foster communication and share ideas. The site organizes groups to narrow farming interests including Dry Land No-Till, Row Crop Convention Tillage, Cow/Calf Producers, to name a few.

A market to buy or sell farm essentials or advertize products can be utilized on FARMTIME as well as quick access to local weather and electronic trade markets. Resources available include FarmBlogs, FarmTips, and FarmFamily to include the entire spectrum of farming – family included.

Learn more about Farmtime Network in this week’s ZimmCast here: Going Social with FarmTime Network

Thanks to our ZimmCast sponsors, GROWMARK, locally owned, globally strong and Monsanto, Roundup Ready Plus, for their support.

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