2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Vilsack to Host #AskUSDA Twitter Chat

Cindy Zimmerman

Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack will host a live Virtual Office Hours session next week on Twitter to answer questions on the important role of rural America to the national and global economy, increasing agricultural opportunities in U.S. communities, and the importance of passing a five-year Farm Bill.

According to USDA, Secretary Vilsack will answer Twitter queries such as:

• What are the emerging sectors in agriculture for new farmers and ranchers; where do I find them?
• In both rural and urban communities, what is the significance of the agricultural sector?
• I didn’t grow up on a farm. Are there other opportunities in agriculture besides farming that I should know about?

You can submit questions in advance to the @USDA Twitter account using the hashtag #AskUSDA.

Vilsack’s twitter chat will be on Monday, December 17, starting at 3:30 p.m. EDT

Farm Bill, Social Media, USDA