2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools

Jamie Johansen

The United Fresh Foundation just announced the new campaign Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools. The goal is to donate salad bars to 350 California schools at the United Fresh 2013 convention in San Diego. The campaign is spearheaded by four California produce industry leaders passionate about increasing children’s consumption of fresh fruits and vegetables.

“This is truly a win-win for all involved. Childhood obesity has become a serious problem in the United States and by providing salad bars to schools, students will develop healthy eating habits and influence their parents to purchase more fresh produce at the grocery store,” said Dick Spezzano, President, Spezzano Consulting.

The United Fresh Foundation set a goal to donate 350 salad bars based on the large number of requests from California schools. The Task Force will raise funds from produce and retail industry colleagues, related businesses and foundations. Over the last two years, more than 180 California schools have already received salad bars through contributions from United Fresh members and other Let’s Move Salad Bars to Schools contributors.

“I’ve seen the success salad bars have had in my local schools. The demand for salad bars is driven by students, parents and educators that recognize a trip to the salad bar is an effective way to help our nation reduce childhood obesity,” said Margaret D’Arrigo-Martin, Vice President of Community Development, Taylor Farms.

To learn more about how you can make a difference in California and support the Let’s Move Salad Bars to California Schools initiative, contact Andrew Marshall, United Fresh policy and grassroots manager at 202-303-3407 or amarshall@unitedfresh.org or visit saladbars2schools.org.

Citrus, Education, Food, Produce, Vegetables