2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Alltech Launches Crop Science Business

Chuck Zimmerman

Alltech launched their Crop Science business during the 2012 International Symposium. During a lunch time press conference we heard from (r-l) Geoff Frank, CEO of Alltech Crop Science; Robbie Walker, Regional Director of Europe and the Middle East for Alltech Crop Science and Jon Carloftis, award-winning garden designer, garden writer, television guest, author, and lecturer.

Alltech has actually been in the plant science business for a number of years but has just pulled the business into the Alltech brand. The company is making all natural products that can be used on a wide variety of plants from grains to gardens. The products are especially helpful to plants that experience stressful conditions. They promote more stable growth and greater yields. I asked about the grain market for midwest U.S. growers and they told me that they are conducting trials right now in Iowa. With higher corn prices growers now have a new alternative application to get the most out of their crop.

Listen to the full press conference here: Alltech Crop Science Press Conference

Listen to Geoff’s opening remarks here: Geoff Frank Opening Remarks

Listen to Robbie’s opening remarks here: Robbie Walker Opening Remarks

Listen to Jon’s opening remarks here: Jon Carloftis Opening Remarks

2012 Alltech International Symposium Photo Album

Agribusiness, Alltech, Crop Protection