Alltech International Symposium Concludes

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Pearse LyonsThe 2011 Alltech International Animal Health & Nutrition Symposium has concluded and with a resounding message to dream the impossible dream. Dr. Pearse Lyons took the stage to summarize what we learned and to provide some takeaway ideas that included five things that should be on your business survival action list.

1. No fads, no fashions, just change
2. Don’t be first, don’t be the best, be different
3. Know where growth comes from and get to where it is
4. Don’t act now!
5. It is about you – and everything you do

You can hear him explain these in his closing remarks below. In addition to these action items he listed a number of “Game Changers” that included an announcement that Alltech will make the single biggest investment in the company ever within the next eighteen months. This includes building new plants and expanding others in several countries. He also announced that the National Horse Show will be moving to Lexington, KY with Alltech as the title sponsor and that Alltech will once again be the title sponsor for the Alltech FEI World Equestrian Games which will be held in Normandy, France in 2014.

Alltech SymposiumAs Dr. Lyons encouraged everyone to dream the impossible dream he was joined on stage by Dr. Everett McCorvey and University of Kentucky students opera singers. They launched into a wonderful rendition of the famous song.

I recorded Dr. Lyons closing remarks which include the beautiful voices we’ve come to love at an Alltech Symposium: Alltech Symposium Closing Remarks

Follow the action on the Alltech Innovations Blog, including photos, interviews and there will be live streaming of certain sessions.

2011 Alltech Symposium Photo Album

Alltech, Animal Health, Audio