RFA Ethanol Podcast

BASF-ASA Scholarship Winner

Cindy Zimmerman

A high school senior from Iowa now has $5000 toward his college education in an agriculture field, thanks to the American Soybean Association and BASF Crop Protection.

2011 commodity classicThis is the fourth year that the ASA Secure Optimal Yield (SOY) Scholarship, sponsored by BASF, has been presented to an outstanding high school senior planning to pursue agriculture as a degree area of study in college.

Kevin Berkland, a high school senior from Sibley, Iowa, (pictured here with BASF VP Paul Rea) was named the 2011-2012 scholarship recipient. Kevin plans to study microbiology at Iowa State University beginning next year. “As an active member in 4-H and Future Farmers of America, I have developed a strong interest in different agricultural production practices,” Berkland said. “This scholarship will provide me the resources I need to jump-start my education towards a career in a field I’m very passionate about.”

Congrats to Kevin and thanks to BASF for helping to support the next generation of agriculture!

Listen to or download a brief interview with Kevin here: SOY Scholarship winner

More photos of the scholarship winners for both soybeans and corn can be found in the
BASF Commodity Classic Photo Album

AgWired coverage of the 2011 Commodity Classic
is sponsored by: BASF New Holland and AgHaven

ASA, Audio, BASF, Commodity Classic