RFA Ethanol Podcast

Wyffels’ Corn Hybrids Performing Well in the Fields

Joanna Schroeder

We’re getting closer and closer to the corn harvest in the Midwest and Bob Jackson, a researcher with Wyffels Hybrids, has been able to get into the fields and get some early looks. Harvest data coming out of Central and Southern Illinois reports that things are doing very well. “We’re off to a great start and I think we’re going to have a very solid year on performance,” Jackson told me last week during the Farm Progress Show.

Rain has been a concern in Iowa and Jackson said it there has been a lot of excess rain falls. “A common rain fall seems to be five inches this year. No one gets an inch of rain anymore,” said Jackson.

But as a researcher this actually excites him because he is able to learn how his company’s corn hybrids will perform. He noted that with all the rain, a lot of corn had a problem with denitrification and there has been a lot of oxygen depletion in the soil as well. This has caused a number of problems to develop this season.

“We haven’t really seen these hot conditions for the past couple of years. So it’s good to put our hybrids through the strains that happen during a normal year,” explained Jackson. “Sometimes it’s hot, sometimes it’s cool. Sometimes it’s wet and dry. So as a researcher, I like to see what happens and find a hybrid that works the best in all conditions.”

Although Wyffels didn’t release any new hybrids during the Farm Progress Show this year, they have a few new products coming down the pipeline.

You can learn more about Wyffels Hybrids by listening to my interview with Bob Jackson. Wyffels' Corn Hybrid's Performing Well

Check out our Farm Progress Photo Album.

Audio, Corn, Farm Progress Show, Farm Shows