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More HSUS Watchers

Chuck Zimmerman

You know, I get pretty tired of pointing out to people that the Humane Society of the United States is not what you think it is. But let’s face it, they deserve all the publicity they’re getting. They want to put farmers out of business. It’s that simple. No farmers then perhaps no animals raised for food. They do just want us all to become vegan like them.

Okay. So here’s a video clip just posted onto that is well worth sharing. I like this guy. I hope you will too. Just another intelligent, common sense person helping spread the truth about HSUS.

And you might want to take a look at the Iowa Farm Bureau’s Farm Fresh Blog and a post by Dirck Steimel. Here’s an excerpt about how he was kept out of the HSUS “news” conference last week:

Why were we kept out? HSUS leader Wayne Pacelle told the Des Moines Register that he shut out ag affiliated folks because he didn’t want “disruptions.”

But you have to wonder. It appears the tanned and polished Pacelle just doesn’t want to answer tough, and informed, questions. That doesn’t fit into Pacelle’s formula where he parachutes into town, calls a press conference at a downtown hotel and tries to make a splash in the media with undercover videos of alleged animal abuse.

The folks he accuses don’t get a chance to talk or ask questions. It doesn’t matter that they work 24-7 to care for animals and to produce safe, healthy and wholesome food. Or, that they, too, don’t tolerate the abuse of animals and want to get to the bottom of any alleged abuse.

Animal Activists, Wackos