BASF LEGOs Donated to FFA

Cindy Zimmerman

basf legosRemember the LEGO sculpture at BASF’s Commodity Classic booth in Anaheim? Ever wonder what they did with that? Turns out that BASF donated the thousands of LEGO bricks used in the custom barn and crop sculpture to the National FFA Organization in Indianapolis.

The organization plans to utilize the LEGO bricks beginning this fall as part of leadership conferences and workshops for high school students. The LEGOs will also be used in October during the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis. “National FFA is very thankful to BASF for such a generous contribution to our organization,” said Whitney Danker, Education Specialist for FFA. “The LEGO donation will be part of the curriculum more than 20,000 students will use in order to glean leadership lessons to apply to their lives.”

BASF hired brick artist Nathan Sawaya to build the sculpture at Commodity Classic to illustrate how BASF products provide building blocks to help growers get the most out of every acre. Over the course of the trade show, Nathan constructed soybean pods, corn stalks and wheat shafts, as well as the BASF barn, using only standard LEGO bricks while attendees watched and took photos. In case you missed it, here’s a link to the interview Chuck did with Nathan at the close of the show.

BASF, Commodity Classic