2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Getting Ready for Planting Season

Cindy Zimmerman

2010 National Farm Machinery Show Photo Album

nfmsSnow may be on the ground but growers at the National Farm Machinery Show know that planting season is just around the corner, and with the potential for yet another wet spring this year, they are looking at ways to get that job done faster and more efficiently.

John Deere
‘s Ryan Lair was talking with farmers about the 1790 planter on display at the show. “On this machine you can see the two big yellow tanks which we call our CCS, or central commodity system, which allows the customer to have a lot of productivity and a lot of seed being carried on the planter itself.”

That is key when planting windows are tight. “Every year it gets tighter and tighter and the agronomists will tell you that there’s about a seven day window there where you’re gonna get the max out of the crop that you’re planting and anytime that you can carry more seed and control your inputs, that’s where we want to be and where the customer wants to go.”

Listen to Ryan’s interview here:

Audio, John Deere, National Farm Machinery Show