Beef Board Approves Recommended Changes To Checkoff

Chuck Zimmerman

CBB Update SessionThe CBB Update Session was pretty interesting yesterday. The Beef Board voted to pass recommendations to change the Beef Checkoff and the discussion was fairly emotional and heated at times.

Basically, the Board is recommending to increase the Checkoff to $2 along with changing a number of other elements of the rule like allowing more involvement from producer groups that weren’t eligible under the original rule.

This morning I spoke with Chairman Dave Bateman who explains the process and what will happen at this point. The Board has done its duty and now has to depend on the Secretary of Agriculture and the industry to move the process for change forward.

You can listen to my interview with Dave here: cic-09-bateman-2.mp3

There are a lot of photos in the convention photo album. Check to see who you know: Cattle Industry Convention Photo Album

Audio, Beef, Cattle Industry Conference