RFA Ethanol Podcast

Dr. Pearse Lyons Addresses Opening Session

Chuck Zimmerman

Dr. Pearse LyonsDr. Pearse Lyons is the founder and the President of Alltech. This is his show and it is quite a show. I’ll have more on that later.

I think I heard someone say there were less than a hundred people at the first Alltech Symposium. The fact that we’re near 1,700 here is a testament to how well marketing by education has worked for him.

Speaking at the opening general session this morning he addressed the theme of the Symposium, The Greenest Generation, head on. While a lot of people are expressing dismay and concern about the challenges of feeding the world at the same time as we reduce our impact on the environment by such things as the production of biofuels, he sees this as a time to step up to the challenge. I think it’s interesting to see how a company like Alltech handles the issue of food vs. fuel since it has customers on both sides. I like his approach to talk about how we’re going to solve things instead of worry about what might happen, “if.”

The photo is courtesy of Alltech photographer Tim Webb.

Alltech Symposium Photo Album
