2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Roundup Powered Up at Ag Field Day

Laura McNamara

Delta and Pine Land CompanyTwo new cotton varieties from the Delta and Pine Land Company will be displayed at the Ag Technology Field Day, July 19th in Memphis. D&PL’s Bollgard II®/Roundup Ready® Flex cotton varieties are designed to control resistant weeds and offer greater weed management.

In 2006 testing, both DP 141 B2RF and DP 161 B2RF demonstrated yield and fiber potential a step above the performance of current B2RF varieties. Both new varieties are in seed production for an introductory-supply launch in 2008. D&PL Technical Services will also demonstrate management plots for both Roundup Ready® and Roundup Ready® Flex cotton. In addition to the weed management plots, visitors to the D&PL tour stop will also get to see many experimental cotton lines on the verge of making it commercially, according to David Roberts, D&PL Technical services agronomist.

“Much of our product pipeline will be represented at this field day,” Roberts said. “As for our commercial cotton products, all major D&PL Bollgard II®/Roundup Ready, Bollgard/Roundup Ready, Roundup Ready and Roundup Ready Flex varieties are represented in the weed management plots. Our stop at the Agricenter field day will give visitors a good look at the exciting D&PL product portfolio in cotton and soybeans.”

New Group III, IV and V soybean varieties bred for performance in the South, plus the new Roundup Ready/STS™ soybean varieties that combine two herbicide systems for maximum control of resistant weeds will also be on display at the D&PL tour stop.

The Ag Technology Field Day will hold field tours from 7 a.m. until noon, followed by lunch. After lunch there will be a speaker session on the topic of biofuel. The Memphis Agricenter is located in east Memphis on the corner of Walnut Grove Road and Germantown Parkway. For more information about the field day, contact John Bradley, director of research, at jbradley@agriceenter.org or 901-757-7754.

Delta and Pine Land Company is a commercial breeder, producer and marketer of cotton planting seed, as well as soybean seed, in the Cotton Belt. For almost 90 years, the company has used its extensive plant breeding programs, drawing from a diverse germplasm base, to develop improved cotton varieties. Delta and Pine Land Company (NYSE: DLP), headquartered in Scott, Mississippi, has offices in eight states and facilities in several foreign countries.

Advertising, Cotton, Farm Shows, Technology