2025 Agri-Marketing Conference

Celebrating a Century of John Deere Tractors

Carrie Muehling

John Deere is celebrating 100 years of building tractors in 2018. The company has already recognized that milestone with a commemorative badge that goes to every buyer of a 2018 model year tractor. Tiffany Turner, product marketing manager for large series tractors, said social media campaigns will be a big part of marking this milestone.

“We all know that there is a story behind every tractor, right? I started to drive on the 4020. I could tell you a lot of stories and I know my dad could, too. So, one of the things is, we want to get some of those stories,” said Turner.

John Deere purchased the Waterloo Gasoline Company on March 14, 1918. The company plans a ribbon cutting at its Tractor and Engine Museum in Waterloo on March 14, 2018, as well as a Father’s Day Weekend celebration also in Waterloo to honor the century mark.

Learn more in this interview from NAFB Trade Talk: Interview with Tiffany Turner, John Deere

2017 NAFB Convention Photos

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Agribusiness, Audio, John Deere, NAFB