RFA Ethanol Podcast

John Deere Security Tight For Foose 4020

Chuck Zimmerman

There’s a new sheriff in town. Sheriff Barry Nelson, John Deere. He wants you to love his Chip Foose 4020 and that’s an order son.

It’s a 1970 John Deere 4020. The tractor will be given away to one winner as part of the John Deere Big Buck Promotion. You may find rules to enter on the John Deere website.

The mild mannered public relations coordinator by day job, turned into one mean enforcement machine at Commodity Classic. He was guarding the Chip Foose designed 4020 model tractor along with sidekick, Deputy Kelly Schwalbe (left). They made sure no one took a peek under the veil over this promotional machine. I can tell you I wasn’t about to try!

So after the unveiling which you can still watch in the video clip below, I spoke to Sheriff Barry about the promotion and what the plans are. Barry says they entered into a partnership with Chip Foose to take an old 4020 tractor and put his special brand of design work on it. People can go to their local John Deere dealer to enter to win the tractor and it will also be part of this year’s Drive Green event. Barry says the project came out of a brainstorming session and a willingness on Chip’s part to do the work.

You can listen to my interview with Barry below:

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, John Deere, Tractor, Video