Syngenta Excited For New SCN Seed Treatment

Cindy Zimmerman

At Farm Progress Show this week, Syngenta was promoting its highly anticipated seed treatment for soybeans and cotton using TYMIRIUM® technology, called Victrato.

With approval by EPA for registration anticipated by the 2025 growing season, the new seed treatment will introduce targeted technology to stop nematodes, Sudden Death Syndrome, and Cotton Root Rot without harming beneficial organisms.

“Its wheelhouse is really in these heavy pressure situations. Where we have heavy nematode pressure and also heavy SCS because of the potency of the molecule,” said Katie Jaeger, Syngenta Seedcare product lead. “It’s bringing a highest level of intrinsic activity that we’ve seen before. When facing these type of past early season and so it’ll with that bring a new level of protection to our customer base.”

FPS24 - Interview with Katie Jaeger, Syngenta 3:37

Jaeger moderated a panel on the new chemistry at the show, which included ISU nematologist Dr. Greg Tylka, Syngenta research scienties Jeff Simmons, and Syngenta Seedcare technical product lead Dale Ireland.

“Victrato will protect against adults, juveniles, and eggs from multiple nematode species, including Soybean Cyst, root-knot, reniform, lance, and lesion,” said Ireland. “The high intrinsic activity will also help defend against Fusarium virguliforme, the causal organism of SDS, while providing early-season suppression of foliar diseases, such as frogeye leaf spot, target spot, and Septoria brown spot.”

FPS24 - Syngenta VIP presentation 32:33

2024 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

AgWired Precision, Audio, Cotton, Farm Progress Show, Soybean, Syngenta, Technology

Day 2 of the 2024 Farm Progress Show

Chuck Zimmerman

2024 Farm Progress ShowWe got a beautiful sunrise this morning of day two of the Farm Progress Show. The temperature is cool and it’s just a great start for the day.

Yesterday I think I did almost 20 interviews and a lot of photos. This morning I’ll add close to 10 more before I head home to ZimmComm World Headquarters. Let’s hope for on time flights!

All content will be published in a virtual ag newsroom on and we’ll also be posting interviews here on AgWired over the next week. Hope you like what you see and here.

2024 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Farm Progress Show

Opening Day for 2024 Farm Progress Show

Chuck Zimmerman

2024 Farm Progress ShowThe Show is on. Temperatures have moderated and it looks like a great day for attendees. I didn’t get a good sunrise photo but the lightning display was amazing. I don’t know if we’ll have some showers but the breeze feels very comfortable.

I’m heading out for a morning of interviews with our major sponsor, Syngenta. Then the afternoon is full with lots more. It’s going to be a busy day. I’m moving a little slower than normal after a 6 hour delay on my connection to Des Moines and then all rental cars were unavailable. Or at least it was taking 2-3 people to get cars and bring them in from some off site location. It took me an extra hour and a half to get a car and got in to my hotel at midnight last night. The hazards of travel is happening more than I can remember.

So, I’ll see you soon.

2024 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

Farm Progress Show

Ayrstone® Announces Higher-speed AyrMesh® HubDuo

Cindy Zimmerman

Ayrstone® announces availability of a new higher-speed AyrMesh® Hub – the AyrMesh® HubDuo.

Thousands of farmers and ranchers across the United States and Canada have already discovered how easy it is to have an outdoor WiFi network on their property with Ayrstone AyrMesh products. The new AyrMesh HubDuo is the first Hub to use dual-band technology to deliver very high-speed outdoor WiFi to nearby devices, and standard high-speed WiFi at longer distances. Like the AyrMesh Hub2x2, using MIMO the AyrMesh HubDuo can provide broadband-class WiFi to hundreds or even thousands of acres of property. In addition, it also has a 5.8 GHz. signal to provide extremely high-speed WiFi – up to 100 Mbps – at short range. The transmit power of the HubDuo can also be adjusted significantly, allowing units to be placed much closer together than the existing AyrMesh Hubs.

“We have been talking to our customers, and they told us that they wanted two things: more speed from the AyrMesh Hubs and to place the Hubs closer together than the one-mile minimum spacing for our existing Hubs,” said Bill Moffitt, President of Ayrstone Productivity. “The new HubDuo combines much faster WiFi speed and the ability to work in smaller, more intensive operations like dairies and nurseries, but still having the same long range AyrMesh users expect. It’s ideal for security, professional, and leisure activities in a rural setting.”

The AyrMesh HubDuo is available now at the Ayrstone store –

Learn more in this interview with Moffitt.
Ayrstone president Bill Moffitt 2:21

AgWired Animal, AgWired Precision, Audio, Internet, Precision Agriculture

Animal Ag News 8/26

Carrie Muehling

  • The National Institute for Animal Agriculture (NIAA) will begin accepting nominations for the fourth Cohort of the Advanced Training for Animal Agriculture Leaders. Nominations are due November 17. The 16-month leadership program blends in-person and virtual working sessions to focus on four areas of development: critical thinking, leadership development, connecting and relating skills, and operational excellence. Members of the program work together on applied-learning, small-group capstone projects, which will incorporate topics of interest in animal agriculture.
  • A study from the U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Agricultural Research Service (USDA-ARS) has once again confirmed the value of livestock grazing as a tool to protect western rangelands from devastating wildfire. The Public Lands Council (PLC), which represents ranchers who hold federal grazing permits, hailed this research as more proof of the important role livestock grazing plays in protecting our natural resources.
  • The Canadian Cattle Association (CCA) hosted the 3rd 2024 triannual trilateral meeting with its North American counterparts, the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and Confederación Nacional de Organizaciones Ganaderas (CNOG) on the sidelines of the Canadian Beef Industry Conference this week. The trilateral meeting gives an opportunity for leadership to discuss the challenges and opportunities facing beef producers across Canada, United States and Mexico. Topics at this year’s trilateral focused on trade policy, the upcoming review of the Canada-United States-Mexico Agreement (CUSMA/USMCA/T-MEC) in 2026 and international engagement on antimicrobial resistance.
  • The American Sheep Industry Association (ASI) worked with the National Cattlemen’s Beef Association (NCBA) and other stakeholders to develop movement decision criteria guidance addressing unique scenarios that would arise for federal lands grazers in the event of a foot-and-mouth disease (FMD) outbreak. A 5-minute video describes the project and resources and can be viewed on the Secure Sheep and Wool Supply (SSWS) and Secure Beef Supply (SBS) websites under the Public Land Grazing pages. This has resulted from a multi-year cooperative project funded by a grant from the USDA National Animal Disease Preparedness and Response Program (NADPRP).
  • Registration is now open for CattleCon 2025, which will be held in San Antonio, Texas, Feb. 4-6. This annual event is “where the beef industry meets” to conduct business, attend educational sessions, experience engaging speakers and enjoy family fun.
  • Coined “the father of instrument grading,” Glen Dolezal has left an indelible mark on the meat science industry and beef community as a whole. For his contributions and industry leadership, Dolezal was honored with the 2024 Industry Achievement Award at Certified Angus Beef’s Feeding Quality Forum.
  • Grande Cheese Company, a Wisconsin-based manufacturer of fine Italian Cheeses and specialty whey and lactose products, announced a new partnership with the Farmers for Sustainable Food Climate-Smart Program. Collaborating with these leading agricultural entities brings a farmer-led approach to environmental sustainability that generates industry data, information and on-farm best practice recommendations.
  • Edge Dairy Farmer Cooperative announced two new additions to its sustainability team. The new team members will support Edge’s Climate-Smart project in partnership with Farmers for Sustainable Food. Kris Betts has joined the organization as the senior contract officer. Marti Viste will assist farmers with enrollment through data collection and analysis.
  • The International Dairy Foods Association (IDFA) is excited to announce that registration for Dairy Forum 2025 is now open. More than 1,000 leaders from the world’s leading dairy companies will convene in San Antonio, Texas in January 2025 to do business, exchange ideas, drive innovation, and cultivate meaningful connections. For 40 years, dairy executives have convened each winter at Dairy Forum to push the limits of innovation, collaboration, and excellence to chart a course toward LIMITLESS success for the industry. Dairy Forum is the industry’s most anticipated conference of the year.
  • Halter’s virtual fencing technology is now available to U.S. ranchers and dairy farmers. From its origins in New Zealand, Halter has become the world’s leading virtual fence company in revenue and volume of collars sold and is positioned to deliver its technology to the U.S. market.
  • The National Pork Producers Council (NPPC) unveiled a new Strategic Investment Program, “Young Pork Advocates,” for young individuals ages 18-22. This initiative expands on NPPC’s Strategic Investment Program and aims to empower young advocates within the pork industry.
  • AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Animal Bites

    Ready for the 2024 Farm Progress Show

    Chuck Zimmerman

    2024 Farm Progress ShowIt’s that time once again. The Farm Progress Show which will be in Boone, IA this year. It’s looking like we’ll have some warm temps but that’s okay with me.

    I’ve got a full schedule to interviews and photos to take and I’m leaving a little earlier than usual. I’ll just have to miss our Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack but Cindy and I have seen him and participated in press conferences several times this year. I appreciate all companies that have sent media availabilities but there are so many and quite a few that overlap. But I’ll do the best I can.

    2024 Farm Progress Show PhotosThe Farm Progress Show is designed for serious growers, producers and agribusinesses. As the largest, most diversified agriculture information business in North America, Farm Progress prides itself on providing a well-rounded show for farmers to connect and do business with a wide variety of exhibitors.

    I’ll put photos online as often as I can. In fact, the QR code in this post will take you there as well as the link below. See you from there.

    2024 Farm Progress Show Photo Album

    Agribusiness, Farm Progress Show

    Industry Ag News 8/23

    Carrie Muehling

  • For the 80th year in a row, the United States is celebrating National Farm Safety and Health Week (NFSHW) during the third week of September – this year it takes place September 15-21, 2024. NFSHW is a time to increase awareness of the high injury and fatality risk in agriculture and to improve agricultural health outcomes through outreach and education. Data from the Census of Fatal Occupational Injury shows that in 2022 the agriculture, forestry, and fishing industries had the highest rate of fatal work injuries compared to other occupations, at 23.5 deaths per 100,000 full-time workers – the majority due to incidents with transportation or equipment (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2023). Preventative education is key to reduce the workplaces rates of injuries and fatalities, which is aptly mirrored in the 2024 NFSHW theme chosen by the National Education Center for Agricultural Safety (NECAS), “Don’t Learn Safety by Accident.”
  • Heavier rains, extreme heat, horrific wind gusts. It’s likely you’ve seen some of this over the summer. But how do you gather the intelligence to do a better job of managing these weather events? Agri-Pulse is pleased to host a webinar on September 5 at 1 p.m. Eastern time, focused on how new climate insights can help manage your business.
  • The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s (USDA’s) National Agricultural Statistics Service (NASS) will host the 32nd Annual Morris Hansen Lecture on Thursday, Sept. 26, 2024, from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. EDT at USDA’s Jefferson Auditorium in the South Building located at 1400 Independence Ave. SW, Washington, D.C. A reception will follow from 5:30 – 6:30 p.m. EDT at USDA’s Whitten Building, across Independence Avenue. The lecture is free and open to the public but registration is required.
  • Register now for the National Agri-Marketing Association 2024 Fall Conference! Learn from industry experts and business leaders who will share fresh perspectives and insights on the state of ag today. #NAMAFALL24 is also the perfect place to catch up with familiar faces and make new connections before the year is out. With an exciting agenda that includes an opening day networking reception, engaging speakers and dynamic breakout sessions, there’s plenty to look forward to!
  • Ann Vaughan, Deputy Assistant Administrator of the Bureau of Resilience, Environment, and Food Security at the U.S. Agency for International Development, recently visited the Daugherty Water for Food Global Institute (DWFI) at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln to speak with DWFI and other agricultural leaders about the intersections of their work and USAID’s mission to support global stability and prosperity by advancing global food security. USAID provided funding for DWFI’s Feed the Future Lab for Irrigation and Mechanization Systems (ILIMS).
  • Congressman Rudy Yakym (IN-2) spoke this week with farmers, industry stakeholders, and students at an Indiana farm event to discuss the urgent need for greater investment in agricultural research and development to improve global food security and in turn, help ensure U.S. national security. In a fireside chat, Rep. Yakym spoke to what’s already been done to improve food systems and nutrition, what long-term solutions are still needed, and what’s happening on Capitol Hill to address global food security and national security. He was joined by Kip Tom, Former Ambassador to the United Nations Agencies for Food and Agriculture, Kassi Tom Rowland, Farm Journal Foundation Farmer Ambassador, and Kelsey Barnes, Farm Journal Foundation Director of Government Affairs.
  • Farm Rescue, a nonprofit organization that provides free planting, haying, harvesting, commodity hauling and livestock feeding assistance to farm families who have experienced a major illness, injury or natural disaster, will have more visibility at this year’s Farm Progress Show, Aug. 27-29 in Boone, Iowa.
  • The National Cotton Council (NCC) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), are pleased to jointly announce the launch of the 4-Bale Module Averaging Pilot Program. This voluntary program, part of the USDA’s Cotton and Tobacco Program, aims to enhance cotton bale fungibility through modern techniques, increasing efficiencies in warehouse bale selection and improving overall quality. The initiative stems from the collaborative efforts of the NCC’s Cotton Flow Committee and the Quality Task Force, which identified cotton bale fungibility as a key area of mutual interest. The pilot program includes specific criteria for averaging bales and reporting data back to customers. Participation is flexible, allowing customers to submit modules in multiples of four up to a total of 48 bales.
  • The Georgia Cotton Commission, Georgia Peanut Commission and the University of Georgia Extension Cotton and Peanut Teams, will co-sponsor a joint research field day on Wednesday, Sept. 4, 2024, in Tifton, Georgia.
  • Missouri agricultural leaders, FFA and 4-H members, elected officials and partners came together at the Missouri State Fair to capstone the 2024 Drive to Feed Kids. With food insecurity affecting one in seven Missouri children, Missouri agriculture has banded together to take action to help change this reality through the Missouri Farmers Care Drive to Feed Kids. In 2024, the effort to stand in the gap for those facing hunger in our state raised 711,000 meals. Over the past eight years, this collaborative partnership has raised resources to provide over thirteen million meals for children and families across the state.
  • Zimfo Bytes

    World Without Cows?

    Chuck Zimmerman

    World Without CowsCan you image a world without cows? I can’t. But I’m sure there are some people who may think differently. To get some facts and answers to the question, a feature-length documentary is in final stages and made possible by Planet of PlentyWorld Without Cows. Here’s some information about the production.

    World Without Cows is an incredible journey around the world in search of the answer to one simple question: Are we better off in a world without cows? With unprecedented global access to those on the frontlines of agriculture and science, filmmakers Brandon Whitworth and Michelle Michael examined the cultural and economic significance of cows, their role in nourishing the world and their impact on climate. What they found was far from simple: When it comes to cows, it’s not black and white. World Without Cows invites viewers to take a scientific look at the real impact of cows on our world — and the potential consequences of their absence.

    We aim to challenge the prevailing narrative and encourage viewers to examine the science.

    I talked with Dr. Mark Lyons, Alltech, about the project at CattleCon earlier this year.
    Interview with Mark Lyons, Alltech 8:24

    Here is the trailer below. If you’re interested in more please look at the website and ask about a screening of the film.

    Agribusiness, Alltech, Beef, climate, Dairy, Meat

    Halter Brings Virtual Fencing Technology to U.S.

    Cindy Zimmerman

    The world’s leading virtual fence company has brought its technology to U.S. ranchers and dairy farmers. Founded in New Zealand, Halter has become the world’s leading virtual fence company in revenue and volume of collars sold and is positioned to deliver its technology to the U.S. market.

    “Halter technology is a powerful system that helps users precisely manage pasture to lift the performance of the animals grazing it,” says Craig Piggott, Halter Founder and CEO. “For years farmers in New Zealand and Australia have generated significant benefits from utilizing the technology, and we’re excited to bring these same benefits to U.S. cattle ranchers.”

    There are 200,000 cattle under Halter’s management in the United States, New Zealand and Australia, making Halter the largest virtual fencing provider by number of cattle. Halter’s U.S. customers are in California, Oregon, Colorado, Texas and Louisiana, with new customers going live in additional states in the coming months. Halter is quickly growing its U.S.-based team and is hiring dozens of people throughout the States in the coming months.

    The Halter app allows users to establish virtual fences and cows are trained to respond to the collar’s sound and vibration cues cues as they approach the virtual fence. Halter collars are lightweight and powered by two small solar cells at the top of the collar which are connected via solar-powered towers on the ranch.

    “Ranchers have real-time, 24/7 access to their cattle and pastures to quickly and easily put cattle where the grass is without moving fences or physically herding cattle, offering unparalleled oversight of their herds in real-time” says Piggott.

    By enabling more precise pasture management, virtual fencing can play a significant role in regenerative land management. Ranchers can grow and harvest more grass, better protect soils, increase soil carbon sequestration to reduce net emissions, retire unutilized land without reducing stocking rate, and prevent animals from entering protected waterways.

    For more information, visit

    AgWired Animal, Animal Agriculture, Dairy, Livestock

    Rest in Peace Greg Henderson

    Chuck Zimmerman

    Greg HendersonIt was a very shocking and sudden notice of the passing last week of Greg Henderson, Editorial Director, Drovers at Farm Journal Media, at the age of 67. Greg attended the Ag Media Summit where I saw him last and spent some time chatting with him and taking his picture on the stage.

    Post Update – From a news release from Farm Journal:

    Lenexa, Kan. (Aug. 21, 2024) — It is with great sadness that we share the unexpected passing of Drovers editorial director Greg Henderson on Aug. 16, 2024. Greg leaves behind a legacy in agricultural media and significant contributions to the advancement of beef production during his 40 years of dedication and service to the beef industry.

    An award-winning journalist and revered voice for the beef industry, Greg provided timely information and in-depth analysis on all segments of the business, including cattle feeding margins, market trends, genetic advancements, emerging technologies and the impacts of economic factors on beef prices and production. His years of knowledge and expertise allowed him to serve as a moderator and speaker on many local, regional and national stages representing the interests of U.S. cattle producers.

    “There has been no other voice in the beef industry that is more respected or more trusted than Greg Henderson,” said Charlene Finck, President, Industry Relations for Farm Journal. “I had the honor of working with him in a time that brought dramatic and positive change to the beef industry. Greg was a catalyst for that change and helped producers understand why it was needed through the content he created every day. I was lucky to call him a close friend. He will be missed by many.”

    Greg is survived by his wife, Ruth, of the home in Olathe, Kan.; children Lisa (Greg) Suellentrop and Jared Henderson; grandchildren Charlie and Amelia Suellentrop; and brother Gary Henderson (Kathy) of Havana, Kan. Greg was preceded in death by his parents QC and Marie Henderson of Niotaze, Kan., and his sister Glenda (Henderson) McDonald. Memorial services will be held at a future date.

    Click here for the full release. (.pdf)

    For those who have seen this on Facebook and commented I would just echo everything they have said. Greg was very easy to talk to, especially to someone who had a long time farm radio career before changing everything. I liked telling him he had a great voice for radio! I just wanted to help let more of his friends know if they don’t yet.

    Rest in peace Greg and prayers to you and all your family.

    Beef, Media