FFA Commercial Competition Announced By Garst Seed

Chuck Zimmerman

This announcement came in during the NAMA convention. Had to get past NAMA to post it:

Garst Seed Logo

Garst Seed Sponsoring Second Annual FFA Commercial Competition, Awarding Nearly $7,500

Entries Sought Nationally, Focusing on “Raising Leaders Through FFA — Cultivating
Agriculture’s Future”

SLATER, Iowa, April 20, 2005 — Whether you ask current high school students or today’s leaders in agriculture, agribusiness and related industries to name the one organization that helps youth develop confidence, leadership skills and career success, you’ll most likely hear FFA. That’s why Garst Seed Company has chosen “Raising Leaders Through FFA — Cultivating Agriculture’s Future” as the theme line for its annual commercial competition.

“I speak from experience when I say that FFA has had, and continues to have, a tremendous positive influence on students,” says Lori Thomas, communications manager for Garst Seed Company. “Everyone in the industry knows the organization’s classroom curriculum and its outside programs in areas such as public speaking and commodity marketing encourage students to excel and develop skills that are invaluable throughout their lives. At Garst, we believe it is fitting to recognize the opportunities FFA offers today’s youth and its accomplishments in preparing students to lead the agriculture, food and fiber industries.”

For more information contact Lori Thomas or Linda Leydens.


Gimme Some Water . . . Cool, Cool Water

Chuck Zimmerman

If you remember who sang those words you are no longer a child. At the Agricultural Relations Council meeting they heard about water rights.

Grady Gammage - ARC Mtg.

Grady Gammage, a leading land use attorney in Arizona, helped ARC members understand the unique relationships between agriculture and developers in the Phoenix area. As one might guess, it all hinges on water rights.


Accreditation In Public Relations Talked About At ARC

Chuck Zimmerman

The Agricultural Relations Council looked into public relations accreditation more closely at their meeting last week.

Everett Tacket - ARC Mtg.

ARC members were eager to learn about the Universal Accreditation Board’s new process to facilitate Accreditation in Public Relations at the ARC Spring Fling. Everett Tacket, Phoenix PRSA Chapter accredition chairman, walked participants through the newly revised accreditation process and answered questions concerning the readiness review and the computer-based exam.

For more information, contact Jeri Omernik.


What Would An Ag Theme Park Be Like?

Chuck Zimmerman

From the Agricultural Relations Council:

Carrie Schnepf - ARC Mtg.

As one of the presenters at the ARC Spring Fling, Carrie Schnepf discussed how she and her family diversified Schnepf farms from a commercial fruit and vegetable operation into an agri-tainment destination. By partnering with media, the operation now attracts visitors from across Arizona. Last year, they hosted more than 150,000 visitors during their Pumpkin and Chili Festival.

Sources of revenue? Entrance fees (Carrie equates their operation to an agricultural “Six Flags” experience) and gift shop sales.

For more, visit Schnepf Farms Logo.


More From The Agricultural Relations Council Spring Fling

Chuck Zimmerman

Thanks to Jeri Mattics Omernik, Rocky Mountain Marketing Communications, Inc. and Carroll Merry, Countryside Marketing for pictures and captions. This will make for a nice series of posts about the pre-NAMA meeting of the Agricultural Relations Council.

Carroll Merry - ARC Mtg.

Carroll Merry, ARC vice president, leads a discussion with ARC members at the organization’s spring meeting, held April 19 in Phoenix.


El Cerdo es Bueno – Know What That Means?

Chuck Zimmerman

The pig is good. That’s what I think it means. And it’s increasing pork sales in Mexico according to the U. S Meat Export Federation:

USMEF Launches Campaign To Increase U.S. Pork Sales In Mexico

Suggested Lead: The U.S. pork industry has experienced extraordinary growth in exports to Mexico. In 2004, one of every three tons of U.S. pork exported went to Mexico, the No. 1 volume market.

The U.S. Meat Export Federation (USMEF) works to build demand for U.S. pork in international markets like Mexico and recently launched a new campaign as part of its overall strategy to promote U.S. pork there.

The campaign is called “El Cerdo es Bueno” or “Pork Is Good” and originated in the United States. USMEF-Mexico Director Gilberto Lozano (HILL-BEAR-TOW LOW-ZAH-NO) explains:

For more information contact: Lynn Heinze.

Ag Groups

Bovines Unite Blog – Who Is It?

Chuck Zimmerman

It’s always fun to look at how people are using blogs as part of a communications strategy. Take Bovines Unite for example. (Please make the right choice on the homepage!)

Bovines Unite Image

This is a very creative site with games, music and video. And most importantly a blog appropriately called Bovine Blog.

By the way, if you know who’s behind it please leave a comment. In the comments on Adrants it says the Maryland Lottery, but in the comments on AdRag it says it’s Organic Valley Milk. The Bovines Unite website says we’ll all know come May 5.


Produce Your Own Radio Show – GM Is

Chuck Zimmerman

If you still wonder if blogging and podcasting is something that has business applications then you ought to see what General Motors is doing. Although they have more than one blog, start with GM Fastlane.

There are still agrimarketing professionals who wonder what a blog is. I think the name itself kind of throws people off. At the NAMA convention I gave many short lessons in Blogging 101. I always start by saying that it’s a special website format that has significant applications for business and of course that means agribusiness.

On the GM Fastlane Blog you’ll not only read what GM executives have to say but you can hear them too! That’s because they’re podcasting. If you still wonder what podcasting is just click on the links in our sidebar. I’ve got links to many resources that’ll let you learn more. Or you can sift through our categorized archives on podcasting. You can hear the latest GM podcast about the 2006 Chevrolet HHR here: GM Podcast.

GM is doing regular audio programs with their own executives talking about their products. I can’t imagine a more personal insight into the company and what goes into their thinking. I think this provides the consumer with a whole new way to evaluate GM when it comes time to make purchases.

Imagine what it would do for an organization that’s battling public misinformation, especially from hostile competitors or even foreign competition. The web is worldwide don’t you know.

Here at AgriMarketing Pros we’ve received feedback from people in China, Italy and Germany so far.

Blogging and podcasting doesn’t require the type of huge resources that traditional web applications require but I would recommend you consult with agrimarketing professionals who know how it works and can make recommendations for your individual circumstances. I know of one if you’re interested!

Audio, Podcasts

Blogging The NAMA Convention Summary

Chuck Zimmerman

By my count this makes the 39th posting on AgriMarketing Pros from the NAMA convention. They include 30 pictures, 2 interviews and many links to the companies and people mentioned!

I hope this will provide you with some ideas about what you can do with the blog format. Additionally, I hope it will provide you with some ideas for how ZimmComm can work for you.

Besides our Talking News Release service, we now have our blog, focused on the business of agrimarketing, and offer blogging services. These are very unique tools you can use to enhance your communications efforts.

Want us to blog your convention or meeting? Call me and let’s talk. If it’s ag-related I will gladly post informative pictures, audio, video, news and announcements right here on AgriMarketing Pros. Or, we can write for your blog.

The NAMA convention is just now coming to an end. I want to congratulate Eldon and his staff for another fantastic job. It’s the first time ZimmComm has exhibited at the Trade Show and we intend to do so again next year. We’ve got a number of creative ideas for our exhibit next time around.

I hope you like what you’ve seen and heard here on the web’s only blog targeting the agrimarketing profession. Send me your ideas and feedback. They’re always welcome.


Cheers To The Brownfield Network Party

Chuck Zimmerman

A tradition at the NAMA convention is the Brownfield Network party, carried on in fine fashion last night. I know many of you have been to a Brownfield party.

Write to me or post a comment about your favorite one and why.

Was it last night? Was it at the Adam’s Mark in St. Louis when they imported the Bruise Brothers from Chicago? Was it the Wild Horse Saloon in Nashville?

Here’s our hosts this year. Nice green shirts!

Cheers To Brownfield