Here’s how you can help

Chuck Zimmerman

Harry SiemensIt’s been two weeks since I started posting to AgWired.Com as a Canadian journalist and broadcaster. I need to know whether the articles and comments I post have any value to you the reader or listener. When I spotted Chuck Zimmerman’s post on his looking for another poster, I let him know of my credentials and availability.

As you know, things of this nature only have value if others respond to it. That’s the reality of instant and world-wide mediums such as the Internet. It can be great and it can be cruel. Either you like it or you don’t. I live only 15 miles from the U.S. border, and having followed American agriculture almost as closely as Canadian, I felt this made a good fit for Chuck.

Often, when an American farm broadcaster interviews me on Canadian issues, with my knowledge of the American side, I have the ability to relate and compare the two.

With the Americans signing more and more Free Trade Agreements with the different countries, it’s my duty as a Canadian to determine how that will affect Canadian trade with yet another country snared by the almighty Americans.

Here’s how you can help. Post your comments at the bottom of this article, and / or send me an email at, and let me know what you think of my contributions to this American-based website.

I believe strongly there’s a need for us to communicate much more closely to avoid the costly border disputes of the past between two of the greatest neighbours in the world.

Siemens Says


A Podcasting Story From BASF

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast59-Interview With Kaye IftnerWhat a week it was last week in Anaheim. I was only there about 3 days. It feels like it was a week. It was a lot of work but a lot got done. Here’s a ZimmCast that contains an interview I conducted in the trade show at the BASF booth. You can also hear a cut from one of the new songs on the Michael Peterson, “Down on the Farm” CD.

Chuck, Kaye and iPod NanoBASF is podcasting, something I’ve mentioned previously on AgWired. Kaye Iftner, presented me with my very own Nano at Commodity Classic. You’ll have to listen to our interview to find out why and how the company is using one of the coolest Apple products ever. Kaye says that the project is a learning experience for BASF. I think that they’re just proving that they are technology leaders!

You can listen to this week’s ZimmCast here: Download MP3 File (9:52 MP3 File)

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar.

You can also now find the ZimmCast on CoolCast Radio or subscribe in iTunes.

Agribusiness, Audio, Commodity Classic, Podcasts, ZimmCast

Hard At Work Ag Journalists of Tomorrow

Chuck Zimmerman

Commodity Classic 42Here’s two of the hardest working ag journalists at Commodity Classic. What do you think of student bloggers Margy and Mary? Really. I’d love your feedback. These young women posted even more than I asked for. For all I know they may still have more to say. They still have a login.

I want to thank Margy Fischer, University of Missouri and Mary Irelan, University of Illinois for all their help. I truly enjoyed the opportunity to work with these future professional ag journalists. Thanks also to Mica DeLong and Tami Craig Schilling, Monsanto, for their sponsorship. I hope we get to do this again.

New HollandAgWired coverage of Commodity Classic is being made posssible by our good friends at New Holland.

Commodity Classic

We Now Have an iPope

Chuck Zimmerman

How would you like to have a product that’s carried around by both the POTUS and the Pope? Apple does. It’s an iPod Nano. This has got to be the story of the week. At least for me. Pope Benedict now has an iPod Nano. He received it from Vatican Radio employees. You should read the release.

You can’t buy the kind of advertising Apple is getting for their tiny little digital audio players. You also can’t believe these things are just a fad and have no particular use in agricultural business communications. I’ll have more on this tomorrow.

I’ve already seen the story on a number of websites like Engadget. Check that one out and read the comments.


Good Bye and Good Beach

Chuck Zimmerman

Mary Irelan Yesterday afternoon Tami, Rodney, and I all went to the beach. We were heading toward Venice Beach but we ended up first at Santa Monica Beach. It was beautiful! There was a pier with a Ferris Wheel and a Roller Coaster. There were vendors that sold chinese name writing, clay faces, and cotton candy. Then we went the one mile down the beach to Venice Beach. It was, to put it mildly, very Mary At The Beachinteresting. The type of people at Venice Beach were not exactly the kind you would see in rural Illinois. None the less, the afternoon was great and I am so glad I was able to see the ocean. We toped that off with the Lorrie Morgan concert and headed for bed. Well, today is Sunday which means it’s time to head home. The Commodity Classic was amazing and I encourage all of you to go if you ever get a chance. Be looking for a follow up blog tonight or tomorrow. Until then, I’m off to the airport.

Commodity Classic

Lorrie Morgan Rocks the House!

Chuck Zimmerman

Mary Irelan What a way to conclude the classic. Lorrie Morgan dazzled us all tonight in a performance put on by Monsanto. She sang a few of her older hits such as “Watch Me Walk Away”, “Something Lorrie Morganin Red”, and “I Didn’t Know My Own Strength.” She even brought out some new ones that will be on her upcoming new CD. My favorite of the evening is a poignant song called Mirror, Mirror. She continued the energy throughout the night and had everyone clapping and dancing in their seat. It was a great night for everyone.

Commodity Classic

There is Nothing Like Being an Ag Journalist

Chuck Zimmerman

Margy FischerAg Journalism – what is that? Well, my five-second explanation is it’s journalism with a focus on agriculture, the food system, and the life sciences.

The biggest appeal for me in Ag Journalism is the variety of issues impacting this industry.

Although I spent the last few days in Anaheim, California at the Commodity Classic with the focus of discussions on the corn, soybean and wheat industries, there are numerous topics impacted by these commodities. For example, the Secretary of Agriculture’s speech yesterday included comments about CAFTA, the Doha Round, river navigation, trade with China, the Farm Bill, soybean rust and biofuels.

Agriculture is united in the interest in technology, productivity, markets, and rural development. No matter where farmers are meeting, or where news is announced, the implications are global because of their breadth of influence.

Now who wouldn’t want to report on something like that?

Commodity Classic

Turley Talks About O&B TV Show

Chuck Zimmerman

RFD-TVHere’s an interesting story. When have you heard of an advertising agency creating content? Actually, it’s something we’re starting to see more of and even in the agrimarketing world. This time it’s Osborn & Barr, producers of a live show to air on RFD-TV Monday evening at 8pm, EST. It’s called “Prospering In Rural America,” the theme of the recent USDA Agricultural Outlook Forum.

To find out why Osborn & Barr decided to use this mechanism I interviewed Mike Turley. Mike is a very shy type so if you listen to our interview, please let him know how good he sounds. I think he’s got potential. How ’bout a Mike Turley podcast?

Mike talks about how the agency sees a need to service companies and organizations that want to reach rural Americans, a growing demographic and way larger than the approximately 2 million farmers in the country. I asked him about the use of new media tools to reach these people although they are using a “traditional” medium – broadcast – with the production of this television program. Mike definitely sees a growing importance of the use of new media options and says that a portion of the program will focus on broadband internet access in the countryside.

You can listen to my interview with Mike here: Listen To MP3 File Mike Turley Interview (5:20 MP3 File)

Sixty five million people live, work and play in rural America and their landscape is quickly changing. On Monday, March 6 at 8 p.m. EST, rural citizens, for the first time on television, will be able to take an inside look at the real issues facing their communities and find out what’s being done as RFD-TV debuts a special report, “Prospering in Rural America: An Inside Look at the Progress of Today’s Rural Communities.”

This 60-minute live report is a first-hand look at the progress being made and the opportunities available in today’s rural communities. It will provide an economic update, recognize key challenges, showcase what’s working, and identify where rural America is headed.

Agencies, Audio