Ready To Call It An AgNite

Chuck Zimmerman

ZimmCast-186 - AgNite and IFAJCindy and I were so impressed with AgNite that we just had to talk about it on this week’s ZimmCast. Let’s face it. Get over 5,000 people together and have the whole thing hosted by ag companies and organizations that don’t always see eye to eye and I’d say you’ve accomplished something!

This week’s program includes an AgNite wrap-up with Daryn McBeth, Minnesota Agri-Growth Council. He and his staff earned some time off last week after preparing for AgNite for over a year and then working around the clock to make it happen.

You can download and listen to the ZimmCast here: Listen To ZimmCastZimmCast 186 (14 min MP3)

Or listen to this week’s ZimmCast right now:Interview with Daryn McBeth - ZimmCast 185

The ZimmCast is the official weekly podcast of AgWired which you can subscribe to using the link in our sidebar. You can also subscribe in iTunes

Ag Groups, Audio, ZimmCast

Eat More Meat and Heat Things Up

Chuck Zimmerman

CIWF WackosI was wondering if there would be anything to post late on a Sunday and the animal rights activist wackos provided some fodder. Okay, to start with, there are still some people claiming something called global warming. Yeah, right. Tell that to all the farmers who haven’t received enough heat this year to grow a decent crop.

Now we’ve got this wacko and prize winner saying we should all eat less meat in the name of planetary welfare. I grilled a couple of pork tenderloins tonight and they were delicious. I’m hoping to enjoy more of the same in Europe during the next couple of weeks while Cindy and I are attending the IFAJ Congress too.

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Chair of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), winner of the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize is calling on individuals to cut their carbon footprints by transforming their diets at a lecture hosted by Compassion in World Farming lecture in London tomorrow (Monday 8 September 2008).

Current global animal production is responsible for 18 per cent of all human-induced GHG emissions, with more than 60 billion farm animals reared each year. That figure is set to double by 2050. The need to change our diet is increasingly urgent.

An average household would reduce the impact of their greenhouse gas emissions by more if they halved their meat consumption than if they halved their car usage.

“If we continue to consume meat and dairy at the current rate both animals and the planet will suffer. Factory farming is unsustainable and inhumane. The best thing people can do is eat less meat and dairy and eat only higher welfare – organic and free-range,” says Joyce D’Silva, Ambassador for Compassion in World Farming.

Oh, wahhh. Give me a break.


MOSES is Organic

Chuck Zimmerman

Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education ServiceMOSES is the Midwest Organic & Sustainable Education Service. At the Farm Progress Show, their outreach coordinator, Harriet Behar, visited the media tent.

One of the first things I asked her was just what “organic” means. She says it’s a sustainable method of farming that uses on-farm produced inputs. “Only products that have met the organic regulations are allowed to carry the organic label in the market place.”

She was at the show to help educate people about what they’re doing and to promote organic farming. She says their mission is to not only to promote but also to provide farmers with the tools to be successful organic farmers.

Apparently there is a growing market for organic products. Harriet says that the market is growing 20%/year. She says that organic products get a premium price. For example, she says that organic corn has been selling for $11/bushel and soybeans at $16 – 18/bushel.

Listen to my interview with Harriet here: fp-08-behar.mp3

Ag Groups, Audio, Farm Progress Show, Farming

John Deere Announces New Marketing/Sales Center

Chuck Zimmerman

Deere at AgNiteJohn Deere was a sponsor of this week’s AgNite event in Minneapolis and there was green equipment on display. It’s a busy week for the company. Not only were they involved in a big event that was held in conjunction with the RNC but today they announced plans to build a new marketing and sales center in Olathe, KS. We had reporter Mike Rogers on hand to conduct interviews for us. He interviewed John Lagemann, Vice President of Sales and Tim Merrett, John Deere’s Vice President of Marketing together and also Barry Nelson, John Deere Manager, Public Relations.

Listen to Mike’s interview with John and Tim here: deere-sales-center-1.mp3

You can download the interview using this link: John Lagemann/Tim Merrett Interview (mp3)

Listen to Mike’s interview with Barry here: deere-sales-center-2.mp3

You can download the interview using this link: Barry Nelson Interview (mp3)

John Deere Announcement With MayorJohn Deere and the city of Olathe, KS announced today that John Deere will build a new marketing and sales center in northwest Olathe, in the Corporate Ridge Office Park, near K 10 and Ridgeview Road. This 126,150 square-foot facility will house more than 400 marketing professionals who provide support and service to John Deere sales branches and agricultural dealerships in the U.S. and Canada.

“This state-of-the-art facility will meet the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Green Building Certification, Gold Level,” said John Lagemann, vice president of agricultural equipment, sales for U.S. and Canada. “It will provide an exceptional working environment for our employees who work in our industry-leading marketing organization. We’re proud of our commitment to the greater Kansas City area – a geographic, cultural center for agriculture.”

This picture includes: John Lagemann; Tim Merrett and the Mayor of Olathe.

Full Release

Agribusiness, Audio, John Deere

AgNite Wrap-up

Chuck Zimmerman

Goodbye AgNiteI’m not sure how I got in touch with Daryn McBeth, Minnesota Agri-Growth Council today but I’m glad I did. I think he and his staff have earned some time off this week after putting on one incredible event Tuesday evening – AgNite.

I got some wrap-up comments from him starting with attendance. Daryn says that they counted over 5,000 people who attended the event! That exceeded all expectations. He walked around a lot and met with all types of people (agriculture stakeholders, convention delegates, elected leaders and even foreign dignitaries). He says that’s exactly what they wanted.

One of the things that impressed Cindy and me most about the event is how well it showed a unified agriculture. There were people there from all aspects of agribusiness who don’t always see eye to eye. Daryn says that he’s seen this mentioned in a number of stories that have been published about the event already. He says they purposefully showcased the diversity of agriculture and even celebrated it.

One of the things that stood out for him was, “A journalist who was at the event pointed out to me that as she walked through the room, she thought that folks from the food and ag sector who were there . . . seemed to be (have) a sense of pride.” He says, “That hits the nail right on the head.”

Daryn says they’re going to chalk it up as a success and that time will tell if they made a positive impact. He says that it has been hard for his staff to let it go now and that it’s fun monitoring the coverage by Googling around. I also found it hard to believe that they got the whole event torn down in 6 hours since their contract with the Depot required them to be out by 8am!

Listen to my interview with Daryn here: agnite-08-mcbeth-wrap.mp3

Be sure to check out the AgNite Photo Album for 200 pictures from the event.

AgWired coverage of AgNite is sponsored by: and

Audio Video Contest

Chuck Zimmerman

iCorn.comAn “almost anything goes” video contest for a seed corn company sounds very cutting edge doesn’t it? That’s what is doing. has launched a new $30,000 video contest as a way to help students pay for college and to show appreciation to its customers. The new video contest gives students an opportunity to win a share of $30,000 by posting videos online for public voting. The videos receiving the most votes win.

Three main steps comprise the contest:

1. A new, current or former customer nominates a student.

2. The nominated student makes an original video (up to 90 seconds) and submits it to the contest website,

3. Online public voting determines which 3 students win a share of $30,000 ($20,000 for first, $7,500 for second and $2,500 for third). Read More

Agribusiness, Corn, Seed

New Holland Says Size Matters

Chuck Zimmerman

Jim MoellenberndtAt last week’s Farm Progress Show (yes, I know, but I’m getting caught up) I met Jim Moellenberndt, New Holland Business Manager, Cash Crops. He was proudly displaying the “largest combine in North America” because “Size Matters.”

He’s standing next to a 9080 CR Combine. He says, “It’s the largest combine in North America, 523 Max HP. It’s just a real awesome machine.” He says they’ve had one running on a wheat harvest job and that it has done a fantastic job. A lot of people have been approaching him and commenting on the horse power, saying they remember using one with 90 HP.

I asked him if they gave quantity discounts for these monsters. He says they’ll gladly “work with you” all the way up to a half dozen! They were taking orders at the show for a July 2009 delivery. Get your name on the list today!

You can listen to my interview with Jim here: fp-08-moellenberndt.mp3

You can also download the audio file with this link.

Check out our Farm Progress Show 2008 Photo Album.

AgWired coverage of the 2008 Farm Progress Show
is sponsored by: BASF and New Holland

Audio, BASF, Equipment, Farm Progress Show, New Holland

AgNite Got Cheesy

Chuck Zimmerman

AgNite CheeseAgNite at the RNC was all about showcasing American food and agriculture.

One of the most interesting displays included 3 large blocks of cheese. These were donated by Associated Milk Producers Incorporated. They’re not something you’d have room in your refrigerator for since each block weighs 690 pounds!

The people working the display got a serious workout slicing off the blocks all evening long. I tried a little of each and it was delicious.

Be sure to check out the AgNite Photo Album for 200 pictures from the event.

AgWired coverage of AgNite is sponsored by: and

Ag Groups, Dairy

Almost Time For IFAJ Congress 2008

Chuck Zimmerman

Franz FischlerCindy and I got to know Franz Fischler, former EU Commissioner of Agriculture, at last year’s IFAJ Congress in Japan. Prior to his work with the EU he was Austria’s Minster of Agriculture and Forestry. This year he’s President of the IFAJ Congress in Austria/Slovenia.

I would like to invite you to the 52nd IFAJ Congress “From the mountains to the sea” to Austria and Slovenia from 10 – 14 September 2008.

These two neighbouring countries will present to you forms of farming in the Heart of Europe which have orientated themselves less by global markets than by quality and sustainment and by partnership with the consumers in the regions. The country and its inhabitants will be the central points of presentation – and we would like to demonstrate this with concrete examples.

I am looking forward to welcome you in Austria and Slovenia in September 2008.

Yours sincerely,
Franz Fischler

Cindy and I leave Monday for this exciting adventure. We’ll be sharing our journey with a number of other American ag journalists, some of whom are heading out today or this weekend. Internet and schedule permitting, you’re going to once again find out all about what’s going on right here thanks to the generous support of our sponsors.

Pioneer Hi-Bred is sponsoring our coverage of the IFAJ Congress for the 4th consecutive year and we welcome 1st time sponsor for this event, Novus International. Without their support we wouldn’t be able to bring you all the latest news and information from one of the most unique agricultural communications events in the world. Next year it will be our turn here in the United States to host the event.

AgWired coverage of IFAJ 2008 is sponsored by: Pioneer-HiBred and Novus International

IFAJ, International

Zimfo Bytes

Melissa Sandfort

    Zimfo Bytes

  • Exports of U.S. agricultural-related equipment to nations around the world topped $5.8 billion dollars for the first half of 2008 compared to mid-year 2007 numbers, for an increase of 30.5 percent, according to the Association of Equipment Manufacturers. Asia and Central America recorded modest gains while all other major world regions reported substantial growth, led by Australia/Oceania and South America.
  • Monsanto Company and Evogene Ltd. have entered into a five-year research and development collaboration focused on identifying key plant genes related to yield, environmental stress and fertilizer utilization. The agreement is intended to enhance research efforts to discover and deliver novel, yield-enhancing technologies at a time of increasing demand for grain globally.
  • IRON Solutions announced at the Farm Progress Show that it has been acquired by a new group of investors. Spearheading the acquisition is the leading “Software-as-a-Service” (or SaaS) venture capital firm StarVest Partners. StarVest is joined in a limited partnership with Dublin Capital Partners and Spring Mountain Capital and strategic investor GVIC Communications Corporation. Current investors in IRON Solutions will retain a 10 percent ownership stake in the new company, IRON Solutions.
  • Mr. Modibo Tiémoko Traoré, a former Minister for Rural Development with the Government of Mali, has taken over as FAO Assistant Director-General charged with the Agriculture and Consumer Protection Department.
    Zimfo Bytes